日期:2008-12-04 23:1 以下是大卫末了的话。耶西的儿子大卫得居高位,是雅各神所膏的,作以色列的美歌者,说,Now these be the last words of David. David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psal... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 24:1 耶和华又向以色列人发怒,就激动大卫,使他吩咐人去数点以色列人和犹大人。 And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. 24:2 大卫就吩咐跟随他的元帅约押说,你去... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 1:1 亚当生塞特。塞特生以挪士。 Adam, Sheth, Enosh, 1:2 以挪士生该南。该南生玛勒列。玛勒列生雅列。 Kenan, Mahalaleel, Jered, 1:3 雅列生以诺。以诺生玛土撒拉。玛土撒拉生拉麦。 Henoch, Methuselah, Lamech, 1:4 拉麦生挪亚。挪亚生闪,含,雅弗... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 2:1 以色列的儿子是流便,西缅,利未,犹大,以萨迦,西布伦,These are the sons of Israel; Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, 2:2 但,约瑟,便雅悯,拿弗他利,迦得,亚设。 Dan, Joseph, and Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 3:1 大卫在希伯仑所生的儿子记在下面,长子暗嫩是耶斯列人亚希暖生的。次子但以利是迦密人亚比该生的。 Now these were the sons of David, which were born unto him in Hebron; the firstborn Amnon, of Ahinoam the Jezreelitess; the second Daniel, of Abig... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 4:1 犹大的儿子是法勒斯,希斯仑,迦米,户珥,朔巴。 The sons of Judah; Pharez, Hezron, and Carmi, and Hur, and Shobal. 4:2 朔巴的儿子利亚雅生雅哈。雅哈生亚户买和拉哈。这是琐拉人的诸族。 And Reaiah the son of Shobal begat Jahath; and Jahath be... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 5:1 以色列的长子原是流便。因他污秽了父亲的床,他长子的名分就归了约瑟。只是按家谱他不算长子。 Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel, (for he was the firstborn; but, forasmuch as he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given unt... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 6:1 利未的儿子是革顺,哥辖,米拉利。 The sons of Levi; Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. 6:2 歌辖的儿子是暗兰,以斯哈,希伯伦,乌薛。 And the sons of Kohath; Amram, Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel. 6:3 暗兰的儿子是亚伦,摩西,还有女儿米利暗。亚伦... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 7:1 以萨迦的儿子是陀拉,普瓦,雅述(雅述创世记第四十六章十三节作约伯),伸仑,共四人。 Now the sons of Issachar were, Tola, and Puah, Jashub, and Shimrom, four. 7:2 陀拉的儿子是乌西,利法雅,耶勒,雅买,易伯散,示母利,都是陀拉的族长,是大能... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 8:1 便雅悯的长子比拉,次子亚实别,三子亚哈拉,Now Benjamin begat Bela his firstborn, Ashbel the second, and Aharah the third, 8:2 四子挪哈,五子拉法。 Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fifth. 8:3 比拉的儿子是亚大,基拉,亚比忽,And the sons of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 9:1 以色列人都按家谱计算,写在以色列诸王记上。犹大人因犯罪就被掳到巴比伦。 So all Israel were reckoned by genealogies; and, behold, they were written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah, who were carried away to Babylon for their trans... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 10:1 非利士人与以色列人争战,以色列人在非利士人面前逃跑,在基利波山有被杀仆倒的。 Now the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain in mount Gilboa. 10:2 非利士人紧追扫罗和他儿... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 11:1 以色列众人聚集到希伯仑见大卫,说,我们原是你的骨肉。 Then all Israel gathered themselves to David unto Hebron, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh. 11:2 从前扫罗作王的时候,率领以色列人出入的是你。耶和华你的神也曾应许你说,你必牧... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 12:1 大卫因怕基士的儿子扫罗,躲在洗革拉的时候,有勇士到他那里帮助他打仗。 Now these are they that came to David to Ziklag, while he yet kept himself close because of Saul the son of Kish: and they were among the mighty men, helpers of the war. 1... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 13:1 大卫与千夫长,百夫长,就是一切首领商议。 And David consulted with the captains of thousands and hundreds, and with every leader. 13:2 大卫对以色列全会众说,你们若以为美,见这事是出于耶和华我们的神,我们就差遣人走遍以色列地,见我们未来的弟兄... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 14:1 推罗王希兰将香柏木运到大卫那里,又差遣使者和石匠,木匠给大卫建造宫殿。 Now Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David, and timber of cedars, with masons and carpenters, to build him an house. 14:2 大卫就知道耶和华坚立他作以色列王,又为自... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 15:1 大卫在大卫城为自己建造宫殿,又为神的约柜预备地方,支搭帐幕。 And David made him houses in the city of David, and prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched for it a tent. 15:2 那时大卫说,除了利未人之外,无人可抬神的约柜。因为耶和华拣... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 16:1 众人将神的约柜请进去,安放在大卫所搭的帐幕里,就在神面前献燔祭和平安祭。 So they brought the ark of God, and set it in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for it: and they offered burnt sacrifices and peace offerings before God. 16... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 17:1 大卫住在自己宫中,对先知拿单说,看哪,我住在香柏木的宫中,耶和华的约柜反在幔子里。 Now it came to pass, as David sat in his house, that David said to Nathan the prophet, Lo, I dwell in an house of cedars, but the ark of the covenant of th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-12-04 28:1 大卫招聚以色列各支派的首领和轮班服事王的军长,与千夫长,百夫长,掌管王和王子产业牲畜的,并太监,以及大能的勇士,都到耶路撒冷来。 And David assembled all the princes of Israel, the princes of the tribes, and the captains of the companies that... 阅读全文>>

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