日期:2012-08-08 Tryvertising essentially takes product placement to the real world, integrating products into the daily life of consumers so they can make up their minds based on their actual experience with the products. 体验式广告让植入式广告走进现实生活,通过把... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-08 The joy-to-stuff ratio is basically the time a person has to enjoy life versus the time a person spends accumulating material goods. Theres no point in working 7 days a week doing extra jobs during the weekend to have no time to enjoy yourself. 快乐... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-08 Year-end panic refers to the self-reproach and overall feeling of panic brought about by the approach of the year's end, often due to a poor financial year and being pressured at work. 年关焦虑症指的是年关将至而产生的自责和恐慌心理,通常由年度收入不... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-08 Couch commerce refers to the phenomenon of people doing their shopping using tablet and smartphone devices. 沙发商务指的是人们用平板电脑和智能手机购物的现象。 With the introduction of the iPad from Apple, tablet sales have skyrocketed over the past... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 Male Answer Syndrome (MAS) is the tendency among men to give answers to questions whether they know anything about the subject or not, particularly when in the presence of women. 男性回答综合症是指男性特有的对问题作出回答的倾向,不管他们是否了解所谈... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 Stress puppy is a person who thrives on stress, yet complains about it constantly. 压力小狗指的是因为压力而成长,但是又因承受不了压力终日抱怨,像小狗一样呜呜叫的人。 They are always in a hurry, never have time, have anger explosions for the slightes... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 Hurry sickness is a malaise where a person feels chronically short of time, and so tends to perform every task faster and to get flustered when encountering any kind of delay. 匆忙症是一种老是感觉时间不够,做每件事都很快,遇到任何耽搁就会心慌的病症... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 An Oreo is a racist slur based on racist stereotypes wrongly assuming that intelligence, articulateness, dapperness, and manners are traits of whites and not blacks. Therefore, a black who possesses these traits is an oreo, white on the inside and b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 Read dating is a method of meeting a potential romantic partner by attending an organized event in which a person meets a series of individuals and talks briefly to each of them about a favourite book 通过与一连串的人简单谈论最喜欢的书来寻找潜在的爱... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 A freemale is a woman who opts for a single life, valuing friendships rather than pursuing extended romantic relationships. Some freemales also choose to live childfree, choosing not to have children for a variety of reasons, while others decide to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 Holidates is one way of advertising for temporary boyfriends and girlfriends over the holidays and that relationships will be terminated at the end of the holidays. 节日约会是用广告征临时男友或女友度假并在假日结束时终结关系的一种方式。 Two American... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 Two-pizza teams is the concept of keeping the team small enough that it can be fed with two pizzas. Small enough for the contribution of each member to make a noticeable contribution, in order to function it needs mutual dependence, a common objecti... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-02 A facepalm is the physical gesture of placing one's hand flat across one's face or lowering one's face into one's hand or hands. The gesture is found in many cultures as a display of frustration, embarrassment, shock, or surprise. Facepalm指的是用手... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-01 The Ikea effect is when people buy and then construct products themselves, they develop an attachment or sense of pride to this object. The Ikea effect leads people to value things that they assemble, customize or build themselves more highly than p... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-01 People who have been surfing the Internet for a long time may have dozens of avatars that they've created over the years, but more often than not, they say that the first avatar you create is the most like yourself. It's also common for people to cr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-08-01 An Irish Goodbye is when a person leaves a bar or party or other gathering surreptitiously, without saying goodbye to anyone. 爱尔兰式告别(Irish Goodbye)指不跟任何人告别、偷偷离开酒吧或者其他聚会场所的行为。 The Irish Goodbye could be a furtive sn... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-07-26 A cheapskate is a stingy person who buys cheap instead of higher quality or better stuff, even though they might be able to afford the better. Perhaps they are ungenerously trying not to spend much on their friends. Not particularly offensive, and o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-07-26 Cube jockey is an office worker who sits in a cubicle all day and is most likely destined to spend the rest of their career in one. They may spend most of their day surfing the net, playing computer games, or checking personal emails when the boss i... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-07-26 Coffice , a portmanteau term of coffee shop and office, is used in South Korea to describe how coffee shops are used for work, study and socializing. Coffice is a coffee shop habitually used as an office by customers, who mooch its space, electricit... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-07-26 A sponger is a person who lives off other people by continually taking advantage of their generosity. A sponge soaks up the water all around it. A sponger soaks up gifts, food and money without working. Sponger(寄生人)指利用别人的慷慨、完全依赖别... 阅读全文>>

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