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自考英汉翻译复习资料2 21. The Hall of Supreme1 Harmony, the Meridian2 Gate, the Outer Palace, the Inner Court, the Golden Water Bridge, the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the Hall of Complete Harmony, the Hall of Preserving Harmony. 22.总面积共有68.2公顷, 燕京八景之一, 五龙亭, 九龙壁, 御花园, 白塔, 燕京, 琉璃瓦, 影壁
2. 1977, the sum total of Chinese imports and exports was less than $15 billion, putting China’s share of world at 0.6 percent. The most populous4 country in the world, China ranked a distant 30th among exporting nations. By 1993 China’s exports and imports totaled nearly $200 billion. China had become the world’s tenth largest exporter. 3. Per capita GNP has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980-1992. 4. But the importance of trade in our economy has exploded in the past three decades. In 1970, the value of two way trade was equal to just 13% of the US economy. Last year, that figure, at 28%, was more than twice as high. In just the last seven years, jobs supported by US exports have risen by 4 million, to a total of 11 million. That’s almost one out of ten American jobs. Last year US trade equaled $1.8 trillion dollars. 5. Nor is the importance of trade likely to diminish for either China or the United States. Foreign exchange. 6. Bilateral5 trade, the order of 7. sound foundation for future commercial and financial ties. 8. China’s imports from the US, which amounted to $900 million in 1978, rose to nearly $ 3 billion in 1982. exports rose from $300 million to $ 2.3 billion during that period. Total Chinese trade has also risenj dramatically, from 1978 to 1983 Chinese exports increased from roughly 10 billion to 22 billion, while imports increased from 10 billion to just over 21 billion. 9. joint6 ventures. Offshore7 oil exploration 10. there are reasons to be optimistic and to expect that commercial and financial relationships will grow in the future. 11. Food production, industrial production. Light industries. 12. I believe Chinese economic authorities recognize the problem and the next Five-Year Plan will address it effectively. 13. Britain lives by commerce. With 2% of the world’s population, we are the world’s fifth largest trading nation. We rely more than any other major economy on the goods and services that we export, the investment that we attract and we make abroad. 14.outward investor9, net income, the share of foreign investment. 15. what this means is that Britain has direct experience of the benefits that international trade and investment generate. 16. that is the way to maximize her share of world markets; and----as the UK knows from direct experience----to attract the stimulus10, the technology and the funding that inward investment can offer. 17. 严复--<天演论>,信—忠实, 达—流畅, 雅—尔雅, 他并不十分重视”信”, 他说”译文取明深义,故词句之间,时有所颠倒附益,不斤斤于字比句次.” 周煦良教授在”翻译三论”一文中说: 我认为应当作为”得体”来理解. 18. multilateral disciplines. Brought this home. Zero-sum game. Finite stock. Donor11 and recipient12. 19. 立足国内资源, 实现粮食基本自给, 是中国解决粮食供需问题的基本方针. 20.根据中国农业自然资源,生产条件,技术水平和其他发展条件,粮食增产潜力很大. 21.即使考虑到土地报酬率递减的因素,也是有条件实现的. 22.中国政府将在加强对现有耕地保护的同时,加快宜农荒地的开发和工矿废弃地的复垦. 23. inland waters, aquaculture, aquatic14 products, intensification15, animal by-products, arbor16 foodstuffs17. UNIT 5 CULTURE 2.it does this every year in Southern California; at least that’s what they told me last year when I marveled at the relentless21 determination of the rain. 3. every child raised in the West knows about these dangers. At least that’s what I used to think. I’m not so sure anymore. 4. Habits form, however, and, in a child’s mind, most of the time becomes all of the time, and nobody gives it much thought. Then the rains come. 5.在理论方面,鲁迅曾针对当时赵景深的”宁顺而不信”的提法,提出了”宁信而不顺”的主张. 1935年,鲁迅在”题未定’草’”一文中又对翻译作了新的概括.他说:”凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原作的丰姿.”也就是说,翻译既要通顺,又要忠实. 6. Each day we make choices that affect our lives and, sometimes, the lives of others. 7. Somehow our path took us toward the park, across the footbridge high above the rolling water of the Los Angeles River. 8.Many children were playing close to the water, and we were stunned22 by their ignorance and daring. The far bank. 9. He jumped into the water to get his bike and was carried rapidly downstream, a look of panic and horror registering on his young face. 10. the greatest instinct, I believe, is to help a child in need. 11. I could see that he had confronted much more than he could handle, even being as strong and athletic23 as he was. 12. feeling of guilt24, as a matter of course. That little was lucky to get out. 13. Although both my parents died young, I have done well in this respect as regards my other ancestors. My maternal25 grandfather, it is true, was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven, but my other three grandparents all lived to be over eighty. 14. my maternal grandmother, after having nine children who survived, one who died in infancy26, and many miscarriages27, as soon as she became a widow devoted28 herself to women’s higher education. 15. if you have wide and keen interests and activities in which you can still be effective, you will have no reason to think about the merely statistical29 fact of the number of years you have already lived, still less of the probable brevity of your future. 16. one’s thoughts must be directed to the future, and to things about which there is something to be done. 17. It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more vivid than they are, and one’s mind more keen. 18. the other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigour30 from its vitality31. 19. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves, but human beings, owing to the length of infancy, find this difficult. 20.在我国,从二十年代开始从事翻译工作,从五十年代乃至八十年代还在讨论翻译问题的,大概只有两个人,一个是郭沫若,一个就是茅盾. 21. I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal32 interests involving appropriate activities. 22.Yong men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably33 feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer. But in old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do ,to fear of death is somewhat object and ignoble34. 23. An individual human existence should be like a river--- small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately35 past boulders36 and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede37, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end , without any visible break, they become merged38 in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. 24. 如今,能为他的这本散文集作序,我觉得很荣幸. 25. <心上的河流>写出了他对于小河流水的深情,这使我忆起死回我所热爱的无边的大海. 26.这几年,我因行动不便, 整天过着”井蛙”的无聊生活,读了这游记,绚丽生动得如经其境,给了我很大的快乐. 27.如同旧梦重温一般,我回忆起1936年在伦敦的3个星期,在昼夜看不到日,月,星三光的浓雾之中,参观了大英博物馆,敏纳斯教学-----访问了一些英国朋友. 28.因为住处离罗浮宫很近,我就整个上午”泡”在罗浮宫里. 29. 吃过早餐,就出来坐在宫门台附上,欣赏宫门口那一大座花坛,花坛里栽的是红,黄,白,紫四色分明的盛开的郁金色. 30. 意大利是我最喜欢的一个欧洲国家. 31.佛罗伦萨给我留下的,除了美术馆里的雕像和壁画之外,还有一座座府弟墙壁上的灯座,每座灯下都有一只拴马的铁环,是聚会或宴客时拴马用的,十分别致.
2.“No, no, no,” replied this individual, who was blond and vigorous and by nature a little irritable42 and contentious43. 3.茅盾:”直译的意义若就浅处说,只是’不妄改原文的字句’;就深处说,还求’能保留原文的情调与风格.” 4.”No, sir, but couldn’t I pick it up pretty quick if I tried hard?” 5.Clyde, left alone in this fashion, and not knowing just what it meant, stared, wondering. 6.著名翻译家王佐良教授以翻译英诗为主,兼及散文和戏剧. 1980年出版的他的<英国诗文选择集>中,有他译的袁斯诗11首,雪莱诗8诗,麦克迪儿米诗10首,有他译的培根的散文3篇,科贝特的散文6篇.1985年出版了他译的<彭斯诗选>.此外他还曾将曹禺的<雷雨>译成英语. 7.I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. 8.It required only a rich winter of rain to make it break forth44 in grass and flowers. 9. when June came the grasses headed out and turned brown, and the hills turned a brown which was not brown but a gold anad saffron and red----an indescribable color. 10. It was a rasping nervous wind, and the dust particles cut into a man’s skin and burned his eyes. 11. The land cracked and the springs dried up and the cattle listlessly nibbled45 dry twings. 12. The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing46 before me was certainly a far cry from the old sea wolf of my imagination. 13. A delighted giggle47 cut through the severe silence. The ice was broken. We all laughed. 14.在旧社会, 我们评剧演员常常挣钱不够吃饭,艺人们大都是拉家带口,生活困难. 15.腊月二十三封箱,把”祖师爷”请到前台去, 后台冷冷清清, 演员们就更苦了,要等到年初一开戏了,才能挣到钱. 16. 真是一个钱撕成八瓣用,心里总是想着怎样能够改善家里的困境. 17.每天天不亮戴着星星去排队,工厂没开大门就排上老长的队了. 18.可我从头到脚淋成了落汤鸡了.
2. a few other creatures yield oil, but non so much as whale. 3. Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity52. 4. To it we owe the existence of the motor-car, which has replaced the private carriage drawn53 by the horse, to it we owe the possibility of flying. 5. two metal surfaces rubbing together cause friction54 and heat; but if they are separated by a thing film of oil, the friction and heat are reduced. No machine would work for long if it were not properly lubricated. 6. the statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing that chief oilfields of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today. 7. the rocks in which oil is found are of marine55 origin too. 8. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale56, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil. 9. the drill may just miss the oil although it is near; on the other hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level. 10. when the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refineries57. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed. 11. We stand now where two roads diverge58. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar poem, they are not equally fair 12. right to know 13. A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available. 14. All have this in common: they are biological solutions, based on understanding of the living organisms they seek to control, and of the whole fabric59 of life to which these organisms belong. 15. It has its obscure and unpretentious beginning; its quite stretches as well as its rapids; its periods of drought as well as of fullness. 16. Dr. Knipling was ready for a full-scale test of his theory. 17. the resounding60 success of the Curacao experiment whetted61 the appetities of Florida livestock62 raisers for a similar feat63 that whould relieve them of the scourge64 of screw-worms.
19. 中国还对广阔的大陆架和专属经济区行使主权权利和管辖权;中国的海域处在中,低纬度地带,自然环境和资源条件比较优越. 人工养殖. 20. 所谓上下文一般是指该语言单位的语言环境. 所谓狭义上下文是指句子的上下文, 即在一个句子的范围内该单位周围的的一些语言单位.所谓广义上下文是指该单位的超出句子范围的语言环境,这就是话语上下文,即在该单位的周围,在该单位之外,亦即在与之毗连的各个句子的语言单位的总和. 狭义上下文又可以分为句法上下文和词汇上下文. 所谓环境, 是指:1.交际环境,妈了实现交行行为的环境; 2.通报主题,即话语中描述的一情景; 3. 交际参与者,即说者与听者.
2.enforcement power, environmental statutes69. Court of apples. Federal Power Commission. Grant a licese 3.A powerful indictment70 of America’s disregard of ecology, Silent Spring was aimed chiefly at the wholesale71 use of chemical pesticides72, especially DDT. In 1965 a court action took place that ranks in environmental importance with the publication of Silent Spring. 4. strip mining, noise pollution, offshore oil drilling, waste disposal. Aerosol73 cans, and nonreturnable beverage74 containers. 5. in fact, there is hardly a realm of national life that is not touched by the controversy75 that often pits those who style themselves environmentalists against proponents76 of economic growth in our energy-consumming society. The problem is to balance the needs of the environment against those of the economy or consumers trying to cope with the high cost of living without destroying the earth on which we all depend. 7. enacting77 legislation, Clean open land. Clean Air Act Amendment78. State legislatures. Bills. Hearings. Private lobbies. Labor79 unions. Trade-offs. Immediate80 future. Taken into account. 8. the contracting states. copyright protection international systems. Copyright proprietors81. Cinematographic works. 9. For the purpose of this Convention any Contracting State may, by domestic legislation, assimilate to its own nationals any person domiciled in that State. 10. Director-General, signatory States. Come into force. 11. each Contracting State undertakes to adopt, in accordance with its Constitution, such measures as are necessary to ensure the application of this Convention 12. it is understood that at the date this convention cones82 into force in respect of any State, that State must be in a position under its domestic law to give effect to the terms of this Convention. 13. 中华人民共和国 14. 国际经济合作和技术交流, 平等互利的原则 15. 合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律, 法令和有关条例规定. 16. 合营各方, 主管部门, 工商行政管理主管部门. 有限责任公司. 注册资本. 17.合营企业各方可以现金, 实物,工业产权等进行投资. 18.董事会, 企业发展规划, 生产经营活动方案, 收支预算, 利润分配, 劳动工资计划. 19. 毛利润, 所得税, 储备基金, 职工奖励及福利基金, 企业发展基金, 净利润, 注册资本 20. 外汇帐户, 外汇管理条例, 22. 外籍职工, 个人所得税, 不可抗力, 全国人民代表大会 UNIT 10 SPEECHES 2. Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land. 3. gracious and eloquent90 remarks. Common ground. At the outset. Common interests. 4. we have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world. 5. more than eight years have passed since Vice8 Premier91 Deng Xiaoping and I joined hands to establish full diplomatic relations between our two great nations. 6. sino-American relationship. The forging of firm Sino-American ties. National security policies. 7. strategic relations. Non-government sectors92. 8. in this context, it is important for our two societies to search for areas of cooperation which clearly add to our mutual benefit. 9. in the area of public health. Although ours is relatively93 quite small, such activities, when combined with our common foreign policy interests and a growing commercial relationship, should help to remove the lingering fragility in Sino-American relations. 10. 先有哈佛,后有美利坚合众国, 这说明了哈佛在美国历史上的地位. 11. 中国教育界,科学界,文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流. 12. 中国在自己发展的长河中, 形成了优良的历史文化传统. 点击 ![]()
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