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股份制商业银行公司治理指引 为进一步健全股份制商业银行公司治理,维护存款人和社会公众利益,促进股份制商业银行安全、稳健、高效运营,中国人民银行制定了《股份制商业银行公司治理指引》和《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》,现予以发布施行。 二○○二年五月二十三日 附件1:股份制商业银行公司治理指引 第一章 总则 第一条 为进一步完善股份制商业银行(以下简称商业银行)公司治理,促进商业银行稳健经营和健康发展,保护存款人和股东的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国公司法》、《中华人民共和国中国人民银行法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》和其他相关法律、法规的规定,制定本指引。 第二条 本指引所称商业银行公司治理是指建立以股东大会、董事会、监事会、高级管理层等机构为主体的组织架构和保证各机构独立运作、有效制衡的制度安排,以及建立科学、高效的决策、激励和约束机制。 第三条 商业银行公司治理应当遵循以下基本准则: (一)完善股东大会、董事会、监事会、高级管理层的议事制度和决策程序; (二)明确股东、董事、监事和高级管理人员的权利、义务; (三)建立、健全以监事会为核心的监督机制; (四)建立完善的信息报告和信息披露制度; (五)建立合理的薪酬制度,强化激励约束机制。 第二章 股东和股东大会 第四条 商业银行的股东应当符合中国人民银行规定的向金融机构投资入股的条件。 第五条 商业银行应当保护股东合法权益,公平对待所有股东。 股东在合法权益受到侵害时,有权依照法律、法规和商业银行章程的规定要求停止侵害,赔偿损失。 第六条 商业银行应当在其章程中规定,商业银行资本充足率低于法定标准时,股东应支持董事会提出的提高资本充足率的措施。 第七条 商业银行应当在章程中规定,商业银行可能出现流动性困难时,在商业银行有借款的股东要立即归还到期借款,未到期的借款应提前偿还。 商业银行应当根据中国人民银行《防范和处置金融机构支付风险暂行办法》,在章程中规定"流动性困难"的具体标准。 第八条 商业银行对股东贷款的条件不得优于其他借款人同类贷款的条件。 同一股东在商业银行的借款余额不得超过商业银行资本净额的百分之十。股东的关联企业的借款在计算比率时应与该股东在银行的借款合并计算。 商业银行应当在章程中规定,股东在商业银行的借款逾期未还期间内,其表决权应当受到限制。 第九条 商业银行不得接受本行股票为质押权标的。 股东需以本行股票为自己或他人担保的,应当事前告知董事会。 股东在本商业银行的借款余额超过其持有的经审计的上一年度的股权净值,且未提供银行存单或国债质押担保的,不得将本行股票再行质押。 第十条 商业银行不得为股东及其关联单位的债务提供融资性担保,但股东以银行存单或国债提供反担保的除外。 上款所称融资性担保是指商业银行为股东及其关联单位的融资行为提供的担保。 第十一条 同一股东不得向股东大会同时提名董事和监事的人选;同一股东提名的董事(监事)人选已担任董事(监事)职务,在其任职期届满前,该股东不得再提名监事(董事)候选人。 第十二条 商业银行的董事会应当向股东大会及中国人民银行及时报告持有商业银行股份前十名的股东名单,以及一致行动时可以实际上控制商业银行的关联股东名单。 第十三条 股东应当严格按照法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程规定的程序提名董事、监事候选人。 第十四条 控股股东对商业银行和其他股东负有诚信义务。控股股东应当严格按照法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程行使出资人的权利,不得利用其控股地位谋取不当利益,或损害商业银行和其他股东的利益。 第十五条 商业银行股东大会包括年会和临时会议。 商业银行的董事会应当在每一会计年度结束后六个月内召开股东大会年会。因特殊情况需延期召开的,应当及时向中国人民银行报告,并说明延期召开的事由。 商业银行的董事会应当依照法律、法规和商业银行章程的规定召开股东大会临时会议。董事会不履行职责,致使出现商业银行重大决策无法做出或者股东大会无法召集等情形时,单独或者合并持有商业银行有表决权股份总数百分之十以上的股东或商业银行监事会,可以决定自行组织召开临时股东大会,但应将召开会议的决定书面通知董事会并报中国人民银行备案。 商业银行的股东大会会议应当实行律师见证制度,并由律师出具法律意见书。法律意见书应当对股东大会召开程序、出席股东大会的股东资格、股东大会的决议内容等事项的合法性发表意见。 商业银行可以自行确定召开股东大会的方式,但应确保股东有效行使其合法权利。 商业银行的董事会应当将股东大会会议记录、股东大会决议等文件报送中国人民银行备案。 第十六条 商业银行章程应当规定,单独或者合并持有商业银行有表决权股份总数百分之五以上的股东,有权向股东大会提出审议事项,董事会应当将股东提出的审议事项提交股东大会审议。 商业银行章程应当规定,单独或者合并持有商业银行有表决权股份总数百分之五以上的股东,有权向股东大会提出质询案,董事会、监事会应当按照股东的要求指派董事会、监事会或者高级管理层相关成员出席股东大会接受质询。 第十七条 商业银行董事会应当制定内容完备的股东大会议事规则,由股东大会审议通过后执行。 股东大会议事规则包括通知、文件准备、召开方式、表决形式、会议记录及其签署、关联股东的回避制度等, 第十八条 股东大会年会除审议相关法律规定的事项外,还应当将下列事项列入股东大会审议范围: (一)通报中国人民银行对商业银行的监管意见及商业银行执行整改情况; (二)报告董事会对董事的评价及独立董事的相互评价结果; (三)报告监事会对监事的评价及外部监事的相互评价结果。 第十九条 董事会应当公正、合理地安排会议议程和议题,确保股东大会能够对每个议题进行充分的讨论。 第二十条 股东大会决议内容违反法律、法规和中国人民银行及其他监管机关规定的,应当主动及时纠正或依照中国人民银行的意见改正。 第三章 董事和董事会 第二十一条 董事会对股东大会负责,并依据《中华人民共和国公司法》和商业银行章程行使职权。 第二十二条 董事应当具备履行职责所必需的专业知识和工作经验,并符合中国人民银行规定的条件。董事的任职资格须经中国人民银行审核。 除《中华人民共和国商业银行法》以及《中华人民共和国公司法》规定的不得担任董事的人员外,下列人员也不得担任董事: (一)因未履行诚信义务被其他商业银行或组织罢免职务的人员; (二)在本商业银行的借款(不含以银行存单或国债质押担保的借款)超过其持有的经审计的上一年度股权净值的股东或股东单位任职的人员; (三)在商业银行借款逾期未还的个人或企业任职的人员。 第二十三条 董事会应当制定规范、公开的董事选举程序,经股东大会批准后实施。 第二十四条 董事会应当在股东大会召开前一个月向股东披露董事候选人的详细资料,保证股东在投票时对候选人有足够的了解。 第二十五条 董事应当接受中国人民银行的任职资格培训。 第二十六条 董事依法有权了解商业银行的各项业务经营情况和财务状况,有权对其他董事和高级管理层成员履行职责情况实施监督。 商业银行内部稽核部门对内设职能部门及分支机构稽核的结果应当及时、全面报送董事会。 第二十七条 董事对商业银行及全体股东负有诚信与勤勉义务。董事应当按照相关法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程的要求,认真履行职责,维护商业银行和全体股东的利益。 第二十八条 董事个人直接或者间接与商业银行已有的或者计划中的合同、交易、安排有关联关系时,不论有关事项在一般情况下是否需要董事会批准同意,董事均应当及时告知董事会、监事会其关联关系的性质和程度。 第二十九条 董事会中由高级管理层成员担任董事的人数应不少于董事会成员总数的四分之一,但不应超过董事会成员总数的三分之一。 第三十条 商业银行应当建立独立董事制度。独立董事与商业银行及其主要股东之间不应存在可能影响其独立判断的关系。独立董事履行职责时尤其要关注存款人和中小股东的利益。 独立董事应当获得适当报酬。 独立董事的任职资格、产生程序、权利义务以及工作条件应当符合中国人民银行的规定。 第三十一条 独立董事在履行职责过程中,发现董事会、董事、高级管理层成员及商业银行机构和人员有违反法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程规定情形的,应及时要求予以纠正并向中国人民银行报告。 第三十二条 商业银行董事长和行长应当分设。 商业银行董事长不得由控股股东的法定代表人或主要负责人兼任。 第三十三条 董事、董事长应当在法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程规定的范围内行使职权,不得违反商业银行的议事制度和决策程序越权干预高级管理层的经营管理活动。 第三十四条 董事会例会每年至少应当召开四次。董事会临时会议的召开程序由商业银行章程规定。 董事会应当通知监事列席董事会会议。 董事会的决定、决议及会议记录等应当在会议结束后10日内报中国人民银行备案。 第三十五条 董事会应当制定内容完备的董事会议事规则,包括通知、文件准备、召开方式、表决形式、会议记录及其签署、董事会的授权规则等。 第三十六条 董事应当以董事会会议的形式行使职权,董事会会议表决实行一人一票。 商业银行章程应当规定,利润分配方案、重大投资、重大资产处置方案、聘任或解聘高级管理层成员等重大事项不应采取通讯表决方式,且应当由董事会三分之二以上董事通过。 第三十七条 董事会在聘任期限内解除行长职务,应当及时告知监事会并向监事会做出书面说明。 第三十八条 董事会根据行长提名聘任或解聘副行长、财务负责人及其他高级管理层成员,未经行长提名不得直接聘任或解聘副行长、财务负责人及其他高级管理层成员。 第三十九条 董事会应当接受监事会的监督,不得阻挠、妨碍监事会依职权进行的检查、审计等活动。 第四十条 董事会应当设立关联交易控制委员会、风险管理委员会、薪酬委员会和提名委员会,也可根据需要设立其他专门委员会。 各专门委员会的负责人应当由董事担任,且委员会成员不得少于三人。 关联交易控制委员会、提名委员会应当由独立董事担任负责人。 关联交易控制委员会和提名委员会的成员不应包括控股股东提名的董事。 第四十一条 关联交易控制委员会负责商业银行重大关联交易的审批,其中特别重大的关联交易还需经董事会批准后方可实施。特别重大的关联交易应同时报告监事会。 董事对董事会拟决议事项有重大利害关系的,不得对该项决议行使表决权。该董事会会议应当由二分之一以上无重大利害关系的董事出席方可举行。董事会会议做出的批准关联交易的决议应当由无重大利害关系的董事过半数通过。 商业银行章程应当对重大关联交易和特别重大关联交易的标准做出规定。董事会应当制定商业银行关联交易的具体审批制度。 第四十二条 风险管理委员会负责对高级管理层在信贷、市场、操作等方面的风险控制情况进行监督,对商业银行风险状况进行定期评估,对内部稽核部门的工作程序和工作效果进行评价,提出完善银行风险管理和内部控制的意见。 第四十三条 薪酬委员会负责拟定董事、监事和高级管理层成员的薪酬方案,向董事会提出薪酬方案的建议,并监督方案的实施。 第四十四条 提名委员会负责拟定董事和高级管理层成员的选任程序和标准,对董事和高级管理层成员的任职资格和条件进行初步审核,并向董事会提出建议。 第四十五条 各委员会的议事规则和工作职责应当由董事会制定。各委员会应当制定年度工作计划,并定期召开会议。 第四十六条 商业银行董事会应当按照人民银行的有关规定制定信息披露的最低标准、方式、途径等,逐步建立、健全商业银行信息披露制度。 第四十七条 董事会下设专门办公室,负责股东大会、董事会、董事会各专门委员会会议的筹备、信息披露,以及董事会、董事会各专门委员会的其他日常事务。 商业银行董事会秘书兼任董事会办公室主任。董事会秘书由董事会提名委员会提名,董事会聘任。董事会秘书须经中国人民银行任职资格审核。 第四章 高级管理层 第四十八条 高级管理层由行长、副行长、财务负责人等组成。高级管理层成员的任职资格应当符合中国人民银行的规定。 第四十九条 高级管理层成员应当遵循诚信原则,谨慎、勤勉地在其职权范围内行使职权,不得为自己或他人谋取属于本商业银行的商业机会,不得接受与本商业银行交易有关的利益,不得在其他经济组织兼职。 第五十条 行长有权依照法律、法规、规章、商业银行章程及董事会授权,组织开展银行的经营管理活动。 行长应当行使下列职权: (一)提请董事会聘任或者解聘副行长、财务负责人等高级管理层成员; (二)聘任或者解聘除应由董事会聘任或者解聘以外的商业银行内部各职能部门及分支机构负责人; (三)代表高级管理层向董事会提交经营计划和投资方案,经董事会批准后组织实施; (四)授权高级管理层成员、内部各职能部门及分支机构负责人从事经营活动; (五)在商业银行发生挤兑等重大突发事件时,采取紧急措施,并立即向中国人民银行和董事会、监事会报告; (六)其他依据法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程规定应由行长行使的职权。 第五十一条 高级管理层应当根据商业银行经营活动需要,建立健全以内部规章制度、经营风险控制系统、信贷审批系统等为主要内容的内部控制机制。 商业银行的内部稽核部门应当实行垂直管理并由行长直接领导。 商业银行行长不得担任审贷委员会成员,但对审贷委员会通过的授信决定拥有否决权。 第五十二条 高级管理层应当建立向董事会定期报告的制度,及时、准确、完整地报告有关银行经营业绩、重要合同、财务状况、风险状况和经营前景等情况。 第五十三条 高级管理层应当接受监事会的监督,定期向监事会提供有关商业银行经营业绩、重要合同、财务状况、风险状况和经营前景等情况的信息,不得阻挠、妨碍监事会依职权进行的检查、审计等活动。 第五十四条 高级管理层应当建立和完善各项会议制度,并制订相应议事规则。高级管理层召开会议应当制作会议记录,会议记录应当报送监事会。 第五十五条 高级管理层依法在职权范围内的经营管理活动不受干预。 高级管理层对董事、董事长越权干预其经营管理的,有权请求监事会予以制止,并向中国人民银行报告。 第五十六条 高级管理层成员应当保持相对稳定,在任期内不应随意调整。确需调整的,商业银行应报中国人民银行备案,并按有关规定报请中国人民银行对新任高级管理层成员的任职资格进行审查。 高级管理层成员对董事会违反任免规定的行为,有权请求监事会提出异议,并向中国人民银行报告。 第五十七条 高级管理层提交的需由董事会批准的事项,董事会应当及时讨论并做出决定。 第五章 监事和监事会 第五十八条 监事会是商业银行的监督机构,对股东大会负责,行使下列职权: (一)监督董事会、高级管理层履行职责的情况; (二)监督董事、董事长及高级管理层成员的尽职情况; (三)要求董事、董事长及高级管理层成员纠正其损害银行利益的行为; (四)对董事和高级管理层成员进行离任审计; (五)检查、监督商业银行的财务活动; (六)对商业银行的经营决策、风险管理和内部控制等进行审计并指导商业银行内部稽核部门的工作; (七)对董事、董事长及高级管理层成员进行质询; (八)其他法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程规定应当由监事会行使的职权。 第五十九条 监事会应当由职工代表出任的监事、股东大会选举的外部监事和其他监事组成,其中外部监事的人数不得少于两名。 第六十条 商业银行应当建立外部监事制度。外部监事与商业银行及其主要股东之间不应存在影响其独立判断的关系。外部监事在履行职责时尤其要关注存款人和商业银行整体利益。 外部监事报酬应当比照独立董事执行。 外部监事的任职资格、产生程序、权利义务以及工作条件应当符合中国人民银行的规定。 第六十一条 监事应当依照法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程的规定,忠实履行监督职责。 监事的任职资格、产生程序、权利义务适用本指引第二十二条至第二十八条有关董事的规定。 第六十二条 监事长应当由专职人员担任。监事长至少应当具有财务、审计、金融、法律等某一方面的专业知识和工作经验。 第六十三条 监事会应当设立提名委员会,负责拟定监事的选任程序和标准,对监事的任职资格和条件进行初步审核,并向监事会提出建议。 提名委员会应当由外部监事担任负责人。 第六十四条 监事会应当设立审计委员会,负责拟定对本指引第五十七条第(一)、(二)、(四)、(五)、(六)项所列事项进行审计的方案。 审计委员会应当由外部监事担任负责人。 第六十五条 监事会应当委托经中国人民银行认可的会计师事务所对商业银行上一年度的经营结果进行审计。审计报告应于股东大会年会召开前,且不得迟于当年4月30日完成。审计报告完成后应当经监事会通过,由监事长签名,报股东大会年会审议。在报送股东大会审议前,应当抄送董事会。 会计师事务所对商业银行审计结果有失公允,监事会应当发现而没有发现的,应当追究监事会有关人员的责任。 监事会履行职责所需的费用由商业银行承担。 第六十六条 监事会下设办公室,作为监事会的办事机构。监事会办公室聘用的工作人员应当具备相关专业知识,以充分保证监事会监督职责的履行。 第六十七条 商业银行应当保障监事会工作的正常开展,为监事会提供必要的工作条件和专门的办公场所。监事会的年度财务预算由股东大会审议通过。 第六十八条 监事会例会应当每年至少召开四次,监事会临时会议的召开程序由商业银行章程规定。 监事会的决定、决议及会议记录应当报中国人民银行备案。 第六十九条 监事会应当制定内容完备的议事规则,包括通知、文件准备、召开方式、表决形式、会议记录及其签署等。 第七十条 监事会发现董事会和高级管理层未执行审慎会计原则,存在未严格核算应收利息、未提足呆账准备金等情形的,应当责令予以纠正。 监事会发现商业银行业务出现异常波动的,应当向董事会或高级管理层提出质疑。 第七十一条 商业银行内部稽核部门对内设职能部门及分支机构稽核的结果应当及时、全面报送监事会。 监事会对银行稽核部门报送的稽核结果有疑问时,有权要求行长或稽核部门做出解释。 第七十二条 监事会在履行职责时,有权向商业银行相关人员和机构了解情况,相关人员和机构应给予配合。 第七十三条 商业银行按规定定期向中国人民银行报送的报告应当附有监事会的意见。监事会应当就报告中有关信贷资产质量、资产负债比例、风险控制等事项逐项发表意见。监事会应当在收到高级管理层递交的报告之日起5个工作日内发表意见,逾期未发表意见的,视为同意。 第七十四条 董事会拟订的分红方案应当事先报送监事会,监事会应当对此发表意见。监事会应当在5个工作日内发表意见,逾期未发表意见的,视为同意。 第七十五条 监事应当列席董事会会议,列席会议的监事有权发表意见,但不享有表决权。 列席董事会会议的监事应当将会议情况报告监事会。 监事会认为必要时,可以指派监事列席高级管理层会议。 第七十六条 监事会发现董事会、高级管理层及其成员有违反法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程规定等情形时,应当建议对有关责任人员进行处分,并及时发出限期整改通知;董事会或者高级管理层应当及时进行处分或整改并将结果书面报告监事会。 董事会和高级管理层拒绝或者拖延采取处分、整改措施的,监事会应当向中国人民银行报告,并报告股东大会。 第六章 激励约束机制 第七十七条 商业银行应当建立薪酬与商业银行效益和个人业绩相联系的激励机制。 第七十八条 商业银行应当建立公正、公开的董事、监事、高级管理层成员绩效评价的标准和程序。 第七十九条 独立董事的评价应当采取相互评价的方式进行,其他董事的评价由董事会做出,并向股东大会报告。外部监事和其他监事的评价比照独立董事和其他董事执行。 高级管理层成员的评价、薪酬与激励方式由董事会下设的薪酬委员会确定,董事会应当将对高级管理层成员的绩效评价作为对高级管理层成员的薪酬和其他激励安排的依据。绩效评价的标准和结果应当向股东大会说明。 任何董事、监事和高级管理层成员都不应参与本人薪酬及绩效评价的决定过程。 第八十条 董事、监事及高级管理层成员违反法律、法规、规章及商业银行章程,给商业银行和股东造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。 第八十一条 商业银行在条件具备时,经股东大会批准,可以建立董事、监事和高级管理层成员的职业责任保险制度。 第七章 附则 第八十二条 本指引适用于中国境内设立的股份制商业银行。各商业银行应当按照本指引和中国人民银行有关规定的要求,结合本行的特点,完善商业银行的治理结构。 第八十三条 本指引由中国人民银行负责解释。 第八十四条 本指引自公告之日起施行。 附件2:股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引(略) Guidance on Corporate1 Governance of Joint2 Stock Commercial Banks Appendix :1 Guidance on Corporate Governance of Joint Stock Commercial Banks Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to further improve the corporate governance of joint-stock stock commercial banks (referred to as commercial banks hereinafter), promote sound operation and healthy development of the commercial banks and protect the legitimate3 rights of the depositors and shareholders5, this guidance is hereby formulated7 in accordance with the Corporate Company Law of the People's Republic of China,of the People's Republic Law on the People's Bank of China of the People's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China, Commercial banking8 Law of the People's Republic of China of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations. Article 2 The term "corporate governance of the commercial banks" in this guidance refers to a the organizationalcorporate structure with the shareholders meeting, board of supervisors10, board of trusteesdirectors and senior managersmanagement as the mainstay, andetc., an institutional arrangement guaranteeing independent operation and effective checks and balances among all parties, as well as the establishment of a scientific and highly efficient decision-making, encourage incentive11 and discipline mechanism12. Article 3 The following principles shall be abided by in establishing corporate governance of commercial banks: (1) Establish a completeImprove meeting system and decision-making process for shareholders meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors and senior management;(2) Clarify the rights and obligations forof the shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior managers;(3) Establish and perfect strengthen the supervision14 mechanism with the board of supervisors as the core;(4) Establish a complete system for information reporting and disclosure, and;(5) Establish a rational remunerationpayment system and strengthen the encourage incentive mechanism. Chapter 2 Shareholders and the Shareholders Meeting Article 4 The shareholders of a commercial bank shall meet the qualification requirement for investment in financial institutions set by the People's Bank of China. Article 5 A commercial bank shall protect the legitimate rights of its shareholders and treat all the shareholders in an equitable15 manner.When their rights are infringed16 upon, the shareholders shall have the right to demand suspensionthe stop of infringementsuch an act and compensation for the resultantted losses and damages in accordance with the laws, regulations and Articles of Associationcharters of commercial banks. Article 6 A commercial bank shall stipulate17 in its regulations Articles of Association that the shareholders should shall support of the measures proposed by the board of directors to increase the ratioe of capital sufficiencyadequacy when it falls the rate ofthat rabelowtion capital sufficiency of the commercial bank is lower than the assizerequired level. Article 7 A commercial bank shall stipulate in its regulations Articles of Association that shareholders that have borrowed money from the commercial bank should immediately repay loans mature and or immature19 loans when the bank faces possible liquidity20 difficulties.A commercial bank shall stipulate in its Articles of Association detailed21 standards for defining "liquidity difficulties" according to the Provisional Rules on the Prevention and Disposal of Financial Institutions' Payment Risks set by the People's Bank of China. Article 8 A commercial bank shall not extend loans to its shareholders under a more advantageous22 situation than that set for other borrowers.The balance of a shareholder4's loans from a commercial bank, with the loans of connected institutions included, shall not exceed 10% of the commercial bank's booknet value of capital.A commercial bank shall make stipulations in its Articles of Association that, when a shareholder fails to make repayment23 when its loans from the commercial bank are due, its voting right should be suspended. Article 9 A commercial bank shall not accept its shares as subject matter underlyingof pledge. If a shareholder decides to use the shares of a commercial bank to guarantee for him or herself or others, he or she shall give prior notice to the board of directors. If the balance of a shareholder from a commercial bank has exceeded the audited25 booknet value of his or her equity26 heldshares for the precedinglast year and the shareholder has not provided deposit certificate or government bonds as pledge guarantee, he or sheit shall not be allowed to make pledge with his or her shares of the commercial bank. Article 10 A commercial bank shall not provide financing guarantee for its shareholders or their connected institutions, except that the shareholders provide counterguarantee with deposit certificate or government bonds. "Financing guarantee" here refers to guarantee which a commercial bank provides to its shareholders or their connected institutions in financing activities. Article 11 A shareholder shall not nominate candidates for director and supervisor9 at the same time to the shareholders meeting. If a directorperson nominatedee by a shareholder has been elected and taken the post of director (supervisor), the shareholder shall not be allowed to cannot nominate supervisor (director) candidates before the completion of the term of this director (supervisor)…… If a supervisor nominee27 by a shareholder has taken the post of supervisor, the shareholder cannot nominate director candidates before the completion of the term of this supervisor. Article 12 The board of directors of a commercial bank shall report in a timely manner to the shareholders meeting and the People's Bank of China the name lists of the top 10 shareholders, and the namelist of connected shareholders and other shareholders who could control the commercial bank when acting28 unanimously. Article 13 Shareholders of a commercial bank shall nominate director and supervisor candidates in accordance with laws, regulations, rules and processprocedures provided by the regulations Articles of Association of the commercial bank. Article 14 The controlling shareholder of a commercial bank has should fulfill29 its obligation of good faith bothhave good faithful obligation for to the commercial bank and other shareholders. The controlling shareholder shall exercise the investor's rights in strict accordance with laws, regulations and the rules Articles of Association of the commercial bank and shall not make use of its controlling status to gain profit or impair30 the interests of the commercial bank and other shareholders. Article 15 The shareholders meeting of a commercial bank can be convened32 on aninclude annual or ad hoc meeting and special meetings basis.The board of directors of a commercial bank shall convene31 the annual meeting of the shareholders within 6 months after the ending of an accounting33 year. If the meeting is delayed for special situations, it shall be reported in good time to the People's Bank of China and the reasons for the delay shall be provided. The board of directors of a commercial bank shall convene special meetings of the shareholders according to laws, regulations and rules Articles of Association of the commercial bank. When the board of directors fails to perform its duty, which makes a commercial bank unable to make important decisions or unable to convene the shareholders meeting, the shareholders or the board of supervisors who individually or jointly34 hold more than 10% of the commercial bank's total voting shares may organize and convene the special meetings of shareholders by themselves, and they shall submit the written notice of convening35 the meeting to the People's Banks of China for record.The shareholders meeting of a commercial bank shall implement36 the "witness-by-lawyer" system and the lawyer shall provide legal opinions . The legal opinions should include the opinions on the legitimacy37 of the procedures of the shareholders meeting, qualification of the participating shareholders, contents of the resolution raised by the shareholders meeting, etc…… A commercial bank may independently determine the modes of convening shareholders meeting, and ensure that shareholders effectively exercise their legitimate rights.The board of directors of a commercial bank should shall submit documents such as minutes and resolutions of the shareholders meeting to the People's Bank of China for record. Article 16 The Articles of Association Regulations of a commercial bank shall stipulate that the shareholders who individually or jointly hold more than 5% of the total shares with voting rights shall have the right to can propose a matterissues for review toto the shareholders meeting. The board of directors should shall submit these matters proposed by the shareholders proposed issues to the shareholders meeting for review. The Articles of AssociationRegulations of a commercial bank shall stipulate that its shareholders who individually or jointly hold more than 5% of the total voting shares with voting rights canshall have the right to presentopose bills of addressing inquiries38 to the shareholders meeting. The board of directors and the board of supervisors shall as required dispatch relevant directors, supervisors or senior managers to attend the shareholders meeting to answer the inquiries.according to the requirement of the shareholders. Article 17 The board of directors of a commercial bank shall formulate6 a complete set of rules of on procedures for the shareholders meeting, which will be implemented39 after being reviewed and passed by the shareholders meeting.The rules of on procedures of the shareholders meeting shall include notice, and rules of procedures for the shareholders meeting, preparation of documents, convening, and voting formality, meeting minutes and its signature, withdrawal40 system for connected shareholders, etc…… Article 18 Besides reviewing the matters requiredprovided by relatedorporate laws, the following matters issues shall be coveredincluded for the reviewing by the annual meeting of theshareholders meeting.(1) AnnounceRelease the supervision opinions of the People's Bank of China for on the concerning commercial bank and the remedial measures implementation41 and correctiontaken by the commercial bank;(2) Report the evaluation42 of the directorsits members by the board of directors and the mutual43 evaluation results by the independent directors, and;(3) Report the evaluation of the supervisorsits members by the board of supervisors and the mutual evaluation results by the external supervisors. Article 19 The board of directors shall arrange the agenda and topics in a fair and reasonable manner, so as to ensure full discussion in the shareholders meeting on every topic. Article 20 If the contents of the resolution ofpassed by the shareholders meeting have violated laws, regulations and rules set by the People's Bank of China and other supervisingory authorities, they institutions, it shall be voluntarily corrected in good time or correctedmodified according to the opinions of the People's Bank of China. Chapter III Directors and Board of Directors Article 21 The board of directors shall be responsible to the shareholders meeting and it shall exercise its powers and duties in accordance with the Corporate Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the regulations Articles of Association of the commercial bank. Article 22 Directors shall have the knowledge and experiences that are necessary for the performance of their power and duties and meet the qualification requirement set by the People's Bank of China. The qualification of the directors shall be examined and approved by the People's Bank of China.Besides those who are not allowed tocannot assume the post of director according to the Commercial Banking Law of the People's Republic of China and the Corporate Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the following people may notcannot either take the office of directors:(1) Those who have been removed from office by other commercial banks or institutions for violation44 of the good faith obligation;(2) Shareholders or employees of the shareholders whose balance of loans from this the concerning commercial bank has exceeded the audited booknet value of their equity heldshares for the precedinglast year (excluding the loans guaranteed by the pledge of certificate of deposit or government bonds),; and(3) Individuals or employees of an enterprise that has faileds to repay its loans from to this commercial bank upon maturity45. Article 23 The board of directors shall formulate standard and transparent46 procedures for the election of its membersthe board, which will be implemented after the approval of by the shareholders meeting. Article 24 The board of directors shall disclose detailed information on the director candidates to the shareholders one month before the convening of the shareholders meeting, so as to ensure the shareholders have enough knowledge about the candidates before casting their votesing. Article 25 Directors shall participate in the qualification-training program organized by the People's Bank of China. Article 26 Directors shall have the right, ,according to law, to know the operation and financial situations of all businesses of the commercial bank and exercise supervision on the performance of duties by other directors, supervisors and senior managers.Internal auditing47 departments of the commercial bank shall submit a complete auditing statement of the internal function departments and branch offices to the board of directors on a timely basis. Article 27 Directors shall have good faith and exercise due diligencehard working obligations to the commercial bank and all shareholders. Directors shall seriously perform their duty and protect the interests of the commercial bank and all shareholders in accordance with the requirement set inof relevant laws, regulations, rules and the regulations Articles of Association of the commercial bank. Article 28 In the case that a directorhimself is directly or indirectly48 connected with already existinged or planned contracts or transactions of the commercial bank, no matter whether such matter shall be approved by the board of directors under normal circumstances, he or she shall inform the board of directors and the board of supervisors immediately about the nature and degree of such connection. Article 29 The ratio of senior managers in the board of directors shall be no less than one fourth 1/4 and no more than one third1/3 of the total number of the board of directors. Article 30 A commercial bank shall establish the independent director system. Independent directors shall not have any relationship with the commercial bank or its major shareholders that may influence their independent judgment49. While performing their duties, the independent directors shall especially take into consideration of the interests of the depositors and the medium and small shareholders. Independent directors shall be remunerated appropriately. The qualification, determinationelection procedure, rights and duties obligations and working conditions of the independent directors should meet requirements set by the People's Bank of China. Article 31 During the performance of their duty, the independent directors shall immediately demand correction and report to the People's Bank of China of any violation of laws, regulations, rules and Articles of Associationregulations of the commercial bank by the board of directors, directorsits members, senior managers and the units or the staff andpersonnel of the commercial bank itself. Article 32 The chairman of the board and the presidentgovernor of a commercial bank shall not be assumed by onethe same person.The chairmanship of the board of a commercial bank shall not be taken by the legal representative or key manager members of the leading group of the controlling shareholders. Article 33 Directors and chairman of the board shall exercise their power and duties in accordance with laws, regulations, rules and the regulations Articles of Association of a commercial bank and shall not violate the rules ofon procedures and decision-making process of the commercial bank byto interferinge with the business and management activities conducted by the senior managementrs. Article 34 Regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held at least four 4 times a year. The procedures forthe convening ofspecial board meetings shall be stipulated51 by the Articles of Associationregulations of a commercial bank. The board of directors shall invite members of the supervisorys board to participate theits meetings as oberservorsof the board of directors. The decisions made and, resolutions passed during the meetings and minutes ofof the board of directors and the minutes shall be submitted to the People's Bank of China for record within 10 days after the completion of the meetings.n 10 days after the completion of the meeting. Article 35 The board of directors shall formulate a complete set of rules on procedures followed by the board for its meetings, including issuing notice, preparation of documents, convening and voting formalities, minutes of the meeting and its signature and rules of authorization52 by the board of directors, etc. Article 34 The board of directors shall formulate a complete set of rules of procedures of the board, including notice, preparation of documents, convening, voting, minutes and its signature and rules of authorization by the board of directors, etc…… Article 36 Members of the Board of Directors shall exercise their rights and duties through the board meeting, where each member is entitled to one vote. It shall be stipulated in a commercial bank's Articles of Association that the voting for critical matters, such as profit distribution plans, major investments, disposition53 of a significant portion of assets, appointment and dismissal of the members of the senior management, shall not be executed by means of communications, and the resolutions on these matters shall be adopted with over two thirds of the members of the Board of Directors in favor of them. Article 37 When the Board of Directors decides to replace the bank President before the expiration54 of his or her term, a written explanation shall be presented to the Board of Supervisors on a timely basis. Article 38 The Board of Directors, pursuant to the President's nomination55, appoints or replaces vice56 president(s), chief financial officer(s) and other members of the senior management. The Board of Directors shall not, at its own discretion57, appoint or replace vice president(s), financial officer(s) and other members of senior management without the President's nomination. Article 39 The Board of Directors shall be subject to the monitoring of the Board of Supervisors, and shall not impede58 or interfere59 in such activities as investigation60 or auditing performed by the Board of Supervisors in line with its duties. Article 40 The Board of Directors shall set up Related-Party Transaction Control Committee, Risk Management Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nominations61 Committee, and some other committee(s) to meet specific needs. All the Board committees shall be presided over by the members of the Board of Directors, and no less than three members of the Board of Directors shall be included in each committee.The Related-Party Transaction Control Committee and the Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the independent directors. Directors nominated by controllingmajority shareholders mayshall not serve inbe elected in both the either the Related-Party Transaction Control Committee orand the Nominations Committee. Article 41 Major related-party transactions of a commercial bank shall be reviewed and approved by its Related-Party Transaction Control Committee. The transactions of critical importance shall not be executed unless otherwisebeing approved by the Board of Directors, and meanwhile they shall be reported to the Board of Supervisors for information.Those members of the Board of Directors that have substantial stake in a proposed issue being discussed by the Board of Directors shall not participate in the vote. Such a Board meeting shall not be held unless attended by over half of its members with no substantial stake in the discussed issue. The resolution to approve a related-party transaction shall not be adopted unless being passed by over half of directors who have no substantial stake involved.A commercial bank's Articles of Association shall define the standards for the major related-party transactions and the related-party transactions of critical importance respectively. The Board of Directors shall stipulate detailed rules regarding the review and approval process for the related-party transactions Article 42 The Risk Management Committee monitors the behavior of the senior management in controlling risks of lending, market and operations, measures the risk exposures of the bank on a regular basis, evaluates the behavior of internal auditing department, and provides opinions on how to enhance the bank risk management and internal control. Article 43 The Remuneration Committee proposes remuneration plans for the Board members, supervisors and senior managers, and administers the execution of the plans. Article 44 The Nominations Committee sets the procedures and criteria62 for election of the Board members and senior managers, conducts preliminary qualification reviews, and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. Article 45 The Board of Directors shall set out the discussion procedures and define the duties and responsibilities of each Board committee. Each committee shall prepare its own annual work plan, and shall meet on regular basis. Article 46 A commercial bank's Board of Directors shall, in compliance63 with relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China, set the minimum requirement and formalities for information disclosure, with aim to developing a well-functioned information disclosure system within the commercial bank. Article 47 An ad hoc office shall be established under the Board of Directors to prepare for the meetings of shareholders, the Board of Directors and the Board committees, handle information disclosures, and run other day-to-day activities of the Board of Directors and the Board committees.The secretary of the Board of Directors of a commercial bank also acts as the director of the ad hoc office, who shall be nominated by the Nomination Committee and appointed by the Board of Directors, and shall meet the qualification requirements set by the People's Bank of China. Chapter Four senior management Article 48 The senior management consists of the president, vice president(s), the chief finance officer(s) and some other personnel. The members of the senior management shall meet the professional qualification requirements set by the People's Bank of China. Article 49 The members of the senior management shall follow the principles of integrity and credibility, and they shall carry out their defined duties and responsibilities in a prudent64 and diligent65 manner. The members of the senior management or their relatives shall not seek to compete with the commercial bank for business opportunities for their own or their relatives' interest, shall not accept any benefits that are related to the bank transactions, and shall not take part-time job in any other economic entities66. Article 50 The president, authorized68 by the Board of Directors, shall have the right to coordinate69 and administer a commercial bank's operations and management in compliance with laws, regulations, rules as well as the commercial bank's Articles of Association.The President shall perform the following duties:1. To propose to the Board of Directors on the appointment and dismissal of the vice president(s), the chief finance officer(s), and some other members of senior managementrial personnel.2. To appoint or dismiss the managers of a commercial bank's functional70 departments and branches.3. To propose business plans and investment strategies to the Board of Directors on behalf of the senior management, and administer the execution of the plans and strategies following approval of the Board of Directors.4. To authorize67 the members of the senior management, the managers of the functional departments and local branches to engage in business operations.5. To take immediate18 actions in response to emergencies such as a bank run, and promptly71 inform the People's Bank of China, the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors of the incident.6. To perform other duties as defined in laws, regulations, rules and the commercial bank's Articles of Association. Article 51 The senior management shall, in line with a commercial bank's operational requirements, develop a sound internal control mechanism which is mainly composed of internal rules and regulations, operational risk control system and the credit approval system. The internal audit24 department of the commercial bank shall adopt a vertical72 management regime, and shall report directly to the President of the bank.The bank President may not serveshall not be allowed jo in the Credit Approval Committee, but mayshall retain the right to veto the credit authorization decisions adopted by the Credit Approval Committee. Article 52 The senior management shall establish a reporting system, in which the senior management shall, on regular basis, provide the Board of Directors with full, timely and accurate information on all issues including the commercial bank's operational performance, important business contracts, financial situation, risk positions, the outlook for business development, etc. Article 53 The senior management shall be subject to supervision by the Board of Supervisors, and shall, on regular basis, provide the Board of Supervisors with information concerning the commercial bank's operational performance, important business contracts, financial situation, risk positions, outlook for business development, etc. The senior management shall not impede or interfere in such activities as investigation or audit performed by the Board of Supervisors in line with its duties. Article 54 The senior management shall establish and strengthen various meeting schemes, and formulate relevant procedures for these meetings. The minutes of the meetings shall be produced, and submitted to the Board of Supervisors for information. Article 55 The senior management shall be free from any interference in its legitimate operational and management activities. The senior management mayshall have the right to request the Board of Supervisors to stop the members or the chairman of the Board of Directors from interfering50 in its operational and management activities, and mayshall report any such incident to the People's Bank of China. Article 56 The Board of Directors shall ensure the relative stability of the senior management, and shall not change the management at discretion before the expiration of their terms. The Board of Directors shall report to the People's Bank of China when there is a necessity to change the management, and shall, in line with relevant rules, ask a qualification approval of the newly appointed senior managers by the People's Bank of China.Senior managers have the right to bring forward different opinions to the Board of Supervisors on Board of Directors' activities which violate the rules of approval and dismissal, and they shall report relevant information to the People's Bank of China. Article 57 The Board of Directors shall promptly discuss and decide on any proposals submitted by the senior management for the necessary approval by the Board of Directors. Chapter Five Supervisors and the Board of Supervisors Article 58 The Board of Supervisors is the supervisory body of a commercial bank, and shall report to the shareholders' meeting. The Board of Supervisors shall perform the following duties:1. To monitor the performance of the Board of Directors and the senior management.2. To monitor the performance of the Board members, the Board chairman and members of the senior managementgerial personnel……3. 4. To request corrections by the Board members, the Board chairman and the members of the senior managementrial personnel whose behaviors undermine the interests of the commercial bank.5. To conduct auditing on the Board directors and the members of the senior managementrial personnel upon their leaving from the office.6. To examine and supervise the financial activities of the bank.7. To audit the operational decisions, the risk management and the internal control of the commercial bank, and provide guidance on the internal auditing activities of the commercial bank.8. To raise inquiries to the members or the chairman of the Board of Directors, or to the senior management.9. To perform other duties as provided in laws, regulations, rules or the commercial bank's Articles of Association. Article 59 The Board of Supervisors shall consist of supervisors that represent employees of a commercial bank, external supervisors elected by the shareholders' meeting, as well as some other supervisors. At least two external supervisors shall be included in the Supervisory Board. Article 60 A commercial bank shall establish an external supervisory scheme. The external supervisors shall not be related to the bank or to the major shareholders in a way that may affect their independent judgment. The external supervisors shall take into account of the general interests of the depositors and the commercial bank in performing their duties.The remuneration plan for the external supervisors shall be comparable to that for the independent supervisors.The decisions on the external supervisors' qualification requirement, election procedures, rights and obligations, and the working conditions shall comply with the relevant regulations of the People's Bank of China. Article 61 Members of the Supervisory Board shall perform their supervisory duties in compliance with laws, regulations, rules and a commercial bank's Articles of Association.The qualification requirement, election procedures, rights and obligations set for the members of the Supervisory Board shall be comparable to the provisions offrom Article 22 througho Article 27 that are stipulated for the members of the Board of Directors. Article 62 The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors shall work full time, and shall have professional knowledge and substantial experience in one of such areas as the accounting, auditing, finance or law. Article 63 The Board of Supervisors shall establish the Nominations Committee to formulate procedures on and requirements for the election and appointment of its members. The Nominations Committee shall also conduct preliminary review on the qualifications of members of the Supervisory Board, and submit its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors.The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by an external supervisor. Article 64 The Board of Supervisors shall establish an Audit Committee to develop audit plans for issues specified73 in Item 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 of Article 57.The Audit Committee shallwill be chaired by an external supervisor. Article 65 The Board of Supervisors shall engage a Certified74 Public Accountant (CPA) acknowledged by the People's Bank of China to audit the operational performance of a commercial bank for the previous accounting year. The audit report shall be completed before the annual shareholders' meeting and no later than April 30th of the year. The audit report shall be passed by the Board of Supervisors and signed by its Chairman, and shall be subsequently presented to the Board of Directors before it is presented to the annual shareholders' meeting for review and approval, The member(s) of the Board of Supervisors shall be held liable for failing to identify any unfair auditing statement provided by the CPA on the commercial bank.The commercial bank shall bear all the expenses incurred75 by the Board of Supervisors in performing its duties. Article 66 The Board of Supervisors shall establish an administrative76 office as its executive body. The employees of this office shall have appropriate professional knowledge to ensure the fulfillment of the supervisory duties by the Board of Supervisors. Article 67 A commercial bank shall ensure the normal operations of its Board of Supervisors by providing necessary office facilities and venues77. The annual budget of the Board of Supervisors is subject to review and approval by the shareholders' meeting. Article 68 The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors shall be held at least four times a year. The procedures for the interim78 meetings of the Board of Supervisors shall be set out in a commercial bank's Articles of Association.The Board of Supervisors shall submit its decisions, resolutions and meeting minutes to the People's Bank of China for information. Article 69 The Board of Supervisors shall establish comprehensive rules on meeting procedures, which cover such areas as issuance of meeting notice, the preparation of the meeting documents, meeting and voting formalities, preparation of minutes, and the signing of the minutes, etc. Article 70 When the Board of Supervisors discovers that the Board of Directors and the senior management fail to abide13 by the prudent accounting principles, or fail to truthfully calculate the receivable interests, or fail to make adequate provisioning for bad loans, the former shall request an immediate correction.If the Board of Supervisors identifies any abnormal fluctuations79 in bank businesses, it shall raise inquiry80 to the Board of Directors and the senior management. Article 71 The internal audit department of a commercial bank shall punctually submit to its Board of Supervisors the comprehensive results of the audit on each functional department and local branch offices.If the Board of Supervisors has any questions regarding the audit results provided by the internal audit department, it shall have the right to request an explanation by the President or by the internal audit department. Article 72 In the course of executing its duties, the Board of Supervisors shall have the right to investigate into any personnel or agency affiliated81 with the commercial bank and the latter shall facilitate the investigations82 in cooperative manner. Article 73 A commercial bank shall, in its regular report submitted to the People's Bank of China, incorporate the opinions of the Board of Supervisors on items including the asset quality, the asset/liability ratio, risk management, etc. The Board of Supervisors shall offer its opinions within 5 workdays after receiving the report of the senior management; otherwise it shall be counted as approval of the report. Article 74 The Board of Directors shall send its dividend83 distribution plan to the Board of Supervisors for reference in advance. The Board of Supervisors shall offer its opinions on the plan within 5 workdays; otherwise it shall be counted as approval of the plan. Article 75 Members of the Board of Supervisors shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors. The attending supervisor shall have the right to makeother comments but has no voting power. The supervisors who attend the meetings of the Board of Directors shall report the discussion results to the Board of Supervisors.The Board of Supervisors, when deemed necessary, may designate its members to attend the meetings of the senior management. Article 76 If the Board of Supervisors discovers that the Board of Directors, the senior management, or their members fail to comply with the laws, regulations, rules and the commercial bank's Articles of Association, the former shall recommend disciplinary actions against those accountable for the non-compliance, and shall issue a notice for correction within a time limit. The Board of Directors or the senior management shall promptly react by taking disciplinary actions or making corrections, and inform the Board of Supervisors of the results in written form.If the Board of Directors or the senior management refuses to take or delays the disciplinary actions or corrections, the Board of Supervisors shall report such an incident to both the People's Bank of China and the shareholders' meeting. Chapter Six Incentive and Disciplinary Mechanism Article 77 A commercial bank shall establish an incentive mechanism that links compensation to profitability of the bank and individual performance. Article 78 Members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the senior management shall exercise due diligence in performing their respective duties. A commercial bank shall establish a fair and open criteria and procedure to evaluate their performance. Article 79 The independent directors shall evaluate each other's performance. The performance of other directors shall be evaluated by the Board of Directors, and the evaluation results shall be reported to the general shareholders' meeting. The performance evaluation approaches for the independent directors and other directors shall also be applied84 respectively in evaluating the performance of the external supervisors and other members of the Board of Supervisors. The Remuneration Committee established under the Board of Directors shall decide on the evaluation, remuneration and incentive plans for the members of the senior management. The Board of Directors shall base its remuneration and incentive plan for each member of the senior management on his or her performance. The Board of Directors shall explain the performance evaluation criteria and results to the shareholders' meeting. Members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the senior management shall not participate in the process of determining their own performance evaluation and remuneration. Article 80 Members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the senior management shall be held liable for compensation when their failure toof complying with laws, regulations, rules and the commercial bank's Articles of Association has incurred losses to the commercial bank and its shareholders. Article 81 With mature conditions, a commercial bank, subject to the approval by the shareholders' meeting, may establish the profession liability insurance system for the members of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the senior management. Chapter Seven Supplementary85 Provisions Article 82 This Guidance shall be applicable to all the joint stockstock commercial banks established in China. Each commercial bank s 点击 ![]()
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