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按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance with objective and scientific laws

  八个坚持、八个反对 eight do's and eight don'ts

  八项主张 eight-point proposal

  保持昂扬向上的精神状态 be filled with an enterprising spirit

  保证中央的政令畅通 ensure the Central Committee's decisions are carried out without fail

  标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes

  不确定因素 uncertainties

  参政议政 participation in and deliberation of state affairs

  长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe

  长治久安 maintain prolonged stability

  长治久安 maintain prolonged stability

  崇尚科学 respect and promote science

  传播先进文化 spread advanced culture

  传统安全威胁 traditional threats to security

  从严治军 the army must be strict with itself

  党的领导方式 the Party's  style of leadership

  党的民族政策 the Party's  policy toward ethnic minorities

  党的侨务政策 the Party's  policy toward overseas Chinese affairs

  党的宗教信仰自由政策 the Party's policy toward the freedom of religious belief

  党风廉政建设责任制 responsibility system for improving the Party's work style and building clean government

  党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度 inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting opinions concerning major policy decisions

  党要管党、从严治党 the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members

  党员管理工作 management of Party membership

  党政机关 Party and government organs

  党政领导干部职务任期制、辞职制和用人失察失误责任追究制 the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability for neglect of supervisory duty or the use of the wrong person with regard to leading cadres of the Party and government

  党总揽全局、协调各方的原则 principle that the Party commands the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters

  电子政务 e-government

  独立负责、步调一致地开展工作 assume one's responsibilities independently and make concerted efforts in one's work

  独立公正地行使审判权和检察权 exercise adjudicative and procuratorial powers independently and impartially

  多重多头执法 duplicate law enforcement

  多重多头执法 duplicate law enforcement

  发展民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面 develop the political situation characterized by democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony

  发展平等团结互助的社会主义民族关系 enhance socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance

  法定职能 legal functions

  法律援助 legal aid

  法制观念 awareness of law

  反腐败领导体制 leadership system against corruption

  防卫作战能力 defense capabilities

  非传统安全威胁 non-traditional threats to security

  丰富民主形式 develop diverse forms of democracy

  干部人事制度 cadre and personnel system

  干部双重管理体制 system of dual control over cadres

  高知识群体 prominent intellectuals

  公共事务 public affairs

  公务员制度 system of public servants

  公益事业 programs for public good
