文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2009-02-02 06:46 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
    松风剑法                     softwind sword   泰山十八盘剑谱                mountain tai’s road sword   回峰落雁剑谱                    comebacksword   太岳青峰剑谱                    oldmoutain’s green sword   两仪剑法                       1/2 sword   金蛇秘笈                       golden snake   苗家剑法                       Dr.miao’s sword   太极剑法                       sword of dao   达摩剑谱                       damu superman’s sword   血刀经                        借用cs术语:blood stirke   天罡北斗阵               big bear’s heaven in row   真武七截阵               7 ture brave in row   金刚伏魔圈               superman’s cover   冲灵剑法                gg an mm’s sword   反两仪刀法               antihalf knife or tong(3)yi(1) knife   八荒六合唯我独尊功!       my name is NO1!   狂风刀法                     stronwind   胡家刀法                     mr hu’s   霹雳刀法                     thunder’s   满天花雨                     cover you with flowers as rain   含沙射影                     shoot you with machine gun   左右互博之术                   simple person 1=2   凝碧剑                      frogen sprite   白龙剑                      hada’s   白虹剑                      rainbow of milk   周公剑                      weeklypublic   绿波香霞刀                    green ball with good smell   少林伟驼杵       weituo’s arm   赏善罚恶令       just reward you   降龙十八掌中的   亢龙有悔        highlight dragon’s shame   飞龙在天        flying in the sky   见龙在田        i see you on the farm   鸿渐于陆        D day   潜龙勿用        don’t borther me while i’m sleeping   利涉大川        it’s time for swimming   突如其来        an accident   震惊百里        bang   或跃在渊        fire in the hole
