文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2009-02-19 03:28 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
  诗的题目是“上帝对我说过yes。”God said yes to me。   作者是美国当代诗人Kaylin Haught。语言轻快戏噱,以一个时尚女孩的口吻质询上帝,而上帝却是一个女教师,慈祥和气,体贴开明。诗歌的大意是,it is good to be different and be whatever you are and to do whatever you want.   我的英译汉水平一向拙劣,从未示人,这次的尝试如下,可见一斑。请诸位小试牛刀,提供合格的译文。   I asked God if it was okay to be melodramatic   我问上帝,“我可以多愁善感吗?”   And she said yes   上帝说,“可以。”   I asked her if it was okay to be short   我问上帝,“我个子矮,也可以吗?”   And she said it sure is   她说,“当然可以。”   I asked her if I could wear nail polish   我问她,我能涂指甲油,   Or not wear nail polish   还是不能   And she said honey   她说,甜心   She calls me that sometimes   (她有时这样叫我)   She said you can do just exactly   What you want to   她说,你想做什么就做什么   Thanks God I said   “谢谢你,上帝。”我说。   And is it okay even if I don't paragraph   My letters   另外,我写信不分段也可以吗?   Sweetcakes God said   “小甜糕,”上帝说   Who knows where she picked that up   (鬼知道她从哪里学到这个称呼)   What I'm telling you is   Yes yes yes   我跟你说,“可以可以可以”
