• 福尔摩斯-银色马 Silver Blaze

    23-03-03 Silver Blaze Arthur Conan Doyle I am afraid, Watson, that I shall have to go, said Holmes, as we sat down together to our breakfast one morning. Go! Where to? To Dartmoor; to Kings Pyland. I was not surprised. Indeed, my only wonder was that he had...

  • 福尔摩斯-铜山毛榉案 The Copper Beeches

    23-03-03 The Adventure of the Copper Beeches Arthur Conan Doyle To the man who loves art for its own sake, remarked Sherlock Holmes, tossing aside the advertisement sheet of the Daily Telegraph, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestat...

  • 福尔摩斯-绿玉皇冠案 The Beryl Coronet

    23-03-03 The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet Arthur Conan Doyle Holmes, said I as I stood one morning in our bow-window looking down the street, here is a madman coming along. It seems rather sad that his relatives should allow him to come out alone. My frien...

  • 福尔摩斯-单身贵族 The Noble Bachelor

    23-03-03 The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor Arthur Conan Doyle The Lord St. Simon marriage, and its curious termination, have long ceased to be a subject of interest in those exalted circles in which the unfortunate bridegroom moves. Fresh scandals have ecl...

  • 福尔摩斯-工程师大拇指案 The Engineer's Thumb

    23-03-03 The Adventure of the Engineers Thumb Arthur Conan Doyle Of all the problems which have been submitted to my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, for solution during the years of our intimacy, there were only two which I was the means of introducing to his n...

  • 福尔摩斯-带斑点带子 The Speckled Band

    23-03-03 The Adventure of the Speckled Band The Adventure of the Speckled Band Arthur Conan Doyle On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes, I find many tra...

  • 福尔摩斯-蓝宝石案 The Blue Carbuncle

    23-03-03 The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle Arthur Conan Doyle I had called upon my friend Sherlock Holmes upon the second morning after Christmas, with the intention of wishing him the compliments of the season. He was lounging upon the sofa in a purple dr...

  • 福尔摩斯-歪唇男人 The Man with Twisted Lip

    23-03-03 The Man with the Twisted Lip Arthur Conan Doyle Isa Whitney, brother of the late Elias Whitney, D.D., Principal of the Theological College of St. Georges, was much addicted to opium. The habit grew upon him, as I understand, from some foolish freak...

  • 福尔摩斯-五个桔核 The Five Orange Pips

    23-02-28 The Five Orange Pips Arthur Conan Doyle When I glance over my notes and records of the Sherlock Holmes cases between the years 82 and 90, I am faced by so many which present strange and interesting features that it is no easy matter to know which to...

  • 福尔摩斯-博斯科姆比溪谷秘案 The Boscombe Valley Mystery

    23-02-28 The Boscombe Valley Mystery Arthur Conan Doyle We were seated at breakfast one morning, my wife and I, when the maid brought in a telegram. It was from Sherlock Holmes and ran in this way: Have you a couple of days to spare? Have just been wired for...