• 健康的思想能造就一个健康的体魄

    10-07-09 Happier youths are also healthier youths, according to Emily Shaffer-Hudkins and her team, from the University of South Florida in the US. Adolescents' positive emotions and moods, as well as their satisfaction with life, could be more important tha...

  • Plants

    10-07-07 Plants pursue a never-ending quest for nourishment(食物,营养品) of the liquid and solar variety. Clearly, the very essence of life. But what can our obsession(痴迷,困扰) with plants teach us about our own personal journeys? My aunts, mom and g...

  • 空气污染不会增加孕妇子痫、早产危险

    10-07-06 While pregnant women may worry about the effects of air pollution on their health and that of their developing child, exposure to carbon monoxide(一氧化物) and fine particles(微粒) in the air during pregnancy does not appear to increase the risk...

  • 卫生保健药品需要人性化

    10-07-01 Doctors in the Department of Pathology(病理学) at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) have issued A Call to Action for the medical profession to catch up with the technology and business communities in the application of genomics(基因组...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition 2

    10-06-27 And we have some communities that dont have access to that fresh produce(农产品,产品) and those fresh vegetables. We are dealing with millions of people living in food deserts. And many parents are just overworked -- theyre juggling(杂耍,欺骗)...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Strengthening Our Health Care Workforce 2

    10-06-21 Now, this fight wasnt new for the ANA. I understand you were one of the only major health care organizations that supported the creation of Medicare from the start. (Applause.) And I want to recognize one of your leaders - Jo Eleanor Elliott of Colo...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Strengthening Our Health Care Workforce 1

    10-06-21 Hello, everybody! All right, everybody have a seat. I got a lot to say here. (Laughter.) First of all, I want to just thank Becky Patton for the extraordinary work that she has done on behalf of nurses, on behalf of patients, on behalf of the countr...

  • 研究:妇女受教育程度可影响到其医疗保险水平

    10-06-18 Attention college grads: Your degree may be the key to both a career and better health coverage. According to a new study of women's health insurance from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, women without a high school diploma were nearly fo...

  • 直接观察疗法可提高艾滋病人存活率

    10-06-14 When applied to HIV care, the community-based model of directly observed therapy ( DOT直接观察治疗 ) has no effect on virologic(病毒学) outcomes, but significantly improves patient survival. This is according to researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bl...

  • 第一夫人演讲 "厨师进学校"1

    10-06-13 MRS. OBAMA: Thank you, everyone. Good afternoon. So is it hot enough? (Laughter.) We planned this especially. Lots of sun, no breeze, got you in your whites and hats. Were going to bring you out scarves(围巾,领巾) and mittens(手套) and boots so...