10-08-13 Sons who have fond childhood memories of their fathers are more likely to be emotionally stable in the face of day-to-day stresses, according to psychologists(心理学家) who studied hundreds of adults of all ages. Psychology professor Melanie Malle...
10-08-07 继上周东京警方发现该市官方记录最长寿的111岁男性公民早在30年前死亡的事件后,本周又有报道称该市113岁的最长寿老人并不在之前登记的住所生活,目前下落不明。这一系列事件引起了日本厚生劳动省的关注,并下令在全国范围内开展老年人口生存状况的调查。 Japan's heal...
10-08-03 Researchers seeking to understand the impact of osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) and fractures on various aspects of health have found that women who had previous fractures experienced a significant reduction in health-related quality of life similar to o...
10-08-02 A broad range of scientific research has demonstrated that an adequate intake(摄取) of calcium plays an important role in building and maintaining optimum(最适宜的) bone mass, and a recent meta-analysis published online in the British Medical Jo...
10-07-30 Public immunization(免疫) efforts may be much more sensitive than previously realized to small changes in the perceived(感官的) costs or risks of vaccination, scientists at Harvard University report this week. In some cases, the spread of vaccin...
10-07-29 Ever notice some people seem to eat anything they want and never gain a pound, while others seem to gain weight just by looking at fattening foods? You may be seeing things correctly after all. According to research published in the July 2010 issue...
10-07-28 Thanks to rising obesity rates in Latin America and the Caribbean, elderly people there are becoming more likely to suffer from disabilities, according to a paper recently published by University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston researchers in t...
10-07-22 health insurance 医疗保险 health care reform 医疗保险改革 health coverage 医保覆盖面 Medicare 医疗保险制(针对65岁以上老人的老年医保) Medicaid 医疗援助制(以穷人和伤残者为对象的医疗补助制度) Medigap 差额医疗保险(填补联邦医疗保险之不足) pre-exist...
10-07-20 Framing climate change as a public health problem seems to make the issue more relevant, significant and understandable to members of the publiceven some who don't generally believe climate change is happening, according to preliminary research by G...
10-07-09 In 20 years, approximately 72 million older adults will reside in(居住,存在于) the United States, almost double the current number, according to the U.S. Administration on Aging. Potential issues are compounded by the projected shortage of health...