09-11-10 A band of Tuareg musicians from the Sahara region have been crowned the winners of this year's Uncut Music Award for best album. 撒哈拉地区一组柏柏尔音乐家加冕本年度Uncut音乐奖最佳专辑的殊荣。 Tinariwen were the only non-US act in the shortlist Tina...
09-11-03 Iggy Pop has revealed he will make a comeback with The Stooges in 2010 despite the recent death of guitarist Ron Asheton. Iggy Pop透漏,他将在2010年与傀儡乐队重新打入音乐界,尽管最近吉他手Ron Asheton逝世。 Iggy Pop said his band recently returned to...
09-10-13 Satellite broadcaster Sky is to launch an online music service as it goes head to head with Apple's iTunes. 卫星电视运营商Sky将要发布一项在线音乐服务,与苹果的iTunes齐头并进。 Sky Songs will launch on 19 October Sky Songs will offer customers access...
09-10-09 Napster has relaunched its service, offering unlimited music streaming plus five MP3 downloads for a 5 monthly fee. 纳普斯特重新发布服务,可提供5英镑的包月无限量mp3下载服务。 Napster first made its name offering free downloads A similar deal sprung...
09-09-30 A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly depend...
09-09-03 Music videos are once more available to YouTube viewers in the UK after the streaming site reached an agreement with songwriters' group PRS for Music. 英国浏览者得以再次在YouTube上观看音乐视频,得益于分流网站与歌曲作家集团PRS达成音乐分享协议。 The i...
09-09-03 Music videos are once more available to YouTube viewers in the UK after the streaming site reached an agreement with songwriters' group PRS for Music. 英国浏览者得以再次在YouTube上观看音乐视频,得益于分流网站与歌曲作家集团PRS达成音乐分享协议。 The i...
09-08-20 MySpace will acquire the popular music discovery service iLike that allows users listen to and share music across social networks. MySpace将会开放流行音乐探索服务iLike,此服务可使用户收听、分享社交网络里的音乐。 MySpace is owned by Rupert Murdoch's...
09-08-06 Singers Beyonce and Lady Gaga lead the nominations at this year's MTV Music Video Awards with nine apiece. 歌手Beyonce和Lady Gaga统领了今年MTV音乐节目奖的提名,两人各获九项提名。 Beyonce and Lady Gaga have more nominations than any other artist The...
09-08-03 Two newly discovered pieces of music written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart as a child have been performed in the Austrian city of his birth, Salzburg. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart孩童时期创作的一些乐曲最近被发现并在他出生的奥地利小城萨尔茨保被演奏。 Two new...