22-05-07 pan out 以某种方式发展 Maybe in the future sometime. I dont know. With someone else. Get to see how it pans out. Ok? 也许就在未来某一天,会遇到什么人,我也不知道,拭目以待吧。 Notes: pan out表示事情以某种方式发展。例如: We are happy because things...
22-04-28 show somebody out 把某人送出去 例句: Well show ourselves out. 我们自己出去就行。 Notes: show out的意思是送客人,把某人送出去。see somebody out也可以表达同样的意义。 客人来访,要离开时我们可以这样说: Let me show/see you out. 我送你出去。...
21-12-02 表达 day in day out 的意思是日复一日,一天又一天。它可以用来形容重复做的或连续不断发生的事情,并常用在描述枯燥乏味之事的语境中。 例句 I have been doing the same job day in day out for nearly 20 years. 我做同一份工作,日复一日都快 20 年了。 Nathan tr...
21-09-07 我们用 odd man out 或者 odd one out 来形容某人或某事格格不入,与众不同。 例句 When I got to the party everyone was wearing beautifully tailored suits and I was in ripped jeans and a smelly t-shirt. Felt like a bit of an odd man out. Martha was alway...
21-04-29 搭配 ask someone out 的意思并不是 把某人叫出去,而是 邀请某人和自己出去约会,比如,请对方去看电影、吃饭等。注意,这个搭配的结构是 ask someone out,而不能说成 ask out someone。 例句 Ben wasnt sure if he should ask Charlotte out. He really liked her,...
21-04-26 搭配 go out 和 hang out 都包含 进行娱乐、社交活动 的含义,但它们之间有微妙的区别,需要结合语境来理解。 首先,go out 的基本含义是 离开家出去进行一项活动,通常用来表示 出门进行一项娱乐或社交活动,也就是口语里常说的 出去玩。比如:Im going out with some...
20-12-22 1. Look out! 当心! 搭配look out的意思并不是向外看。在口语会话中,人们用它来告知他人有危险,所以应当心、小心。 2. Dont do that! 别那样做! 如果看到他人正在做很危险的事情,那么就可以用这句话来直白地告诉他人别那样做。 3. Be careful! 小心点! 形容词car...
20-10-15 1. ask out ask sb out尤指为了开始与某人建立恋爱关系请外出(或吃饭、看电影等),比如: Shes asked Steve out to the cinema this evening. 她请了史蒂夫今晚出去看电影。 2. go out go out就有与某人谈恋爱的意思: How long have you been going out with him?...
16-01-08 FOGO refers to the dread of going out, particularly if one is tired from previous socializing; the desire to not attend a popular event that is over-hyped or over-commercialized. 社交恐惧症指害怕外出,尤其如果某人因此前的社交活动而对外出感到厌倦;不...
11-07-14 No, growled(咆哮) the quartermaster, you can't have a new pair of shoes. The pair you have aren't worn out. Not worn out, cried the recruit, Why, if I step on a dime I can feel if it's head or tails. 不行,军需官大声说:你不能领一双新鞋子,你穿着...