16-05-25 Seismologists are now suggesting the Earth has entered an active seismic period . 有地震学家表明,地球已经进入了地震活跃期。 地震活跃期(active seismic period)是指地震活动(seismic activity)相对频繁和强烈的时期。地震活跃期是相对地震平静期(quiet s...
14-05-04 Oil and gas development activities, including underground disposal of wastewater and hydraulic(液压的) fracturing, may induce earthquakes by changing the state of stress on existing faults to the point of failure. Earthquakes from wastewater dispo...
14-03-13 In the global aftershock zone that followed the major April 2012 Indian Ocean earthquake, seismologists noticed an unusual pattern -- a dynamic stress shadow, or period of seismic silence when some faults(断层) near failure were temporarily render...
14-01-05 Rare earthquake lights are more likely to occur on or near rift(裂缝) environments, where subvertical(接近垂直的) faults allow stress-induced electrical currents to flow rapidly to the surface, according to a new study published in the Jan./Feb....
13-11-18 It wasn't what they were looking for but that only made the discovery all the more exciting. In January 2010 a team of scientists had set up two crossing lines of seismographs(地震仪) across Marie Byrd Land in West Antarctica. It was the first tim...
12-08-15 Earthquakes are among the most destructive and common of geologic phenomena. Several million earthquakes are estimated to occur worldwide each year (the vast majority are too small to feel, but their motions can be measured by arrays of seismometers...
12-03-23 Scientists have long speculated about why there is a large change in the strength of rocks that lie at the boundary between two layers immediately under Earth's crust: the lithosphere(岩石圈) and underlying asthenosphere. Understanding this bounda...
12-03-12 An Indiana University geophysical experiment detected unusual seismic(地震的) signals associated with tornadoes that recently struck regions across the Midwest -- information that may have value for meteorologists studying the atmospheric activity...
09-09-24 Scientists have turned up new evidence showing that ocean noise can affect the communication of whales. 科学家发现新证据显示深海噪音可以影响鲸的沟通。 Blue whales were hunted to the brink of extinction in the last century Studying blue whales off th...