日期:2007-09-20 321 I... I flew home to New York, terribly distraught... 322 but when I got to the apartment, 323 I could see that Joe was in even worse shape than I was. 324 He grabbed my hand and he said to me, 325 talk. 326 Talk about anything. You know? 327 I m... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 301 [Both laugh] 302 And he said, I feel like you're spiting me. 303 I said... I said, do you think I took this job to spite you? 304 [Laughing] 305 I was writing the script as they were filming, all that time in Italy 306 and I?d work like mad all... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 281 Hi. 282 Shake it with your wrist. 283 [Nelle laughing] 284 Use your whole arm. 285 More. 286 You think I?m kidding around, but I?m serious. 287 Mama would've put in half the bottle. 288 She had to buy it by the crate. 289 (Marie) Alvin's gonna h... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 261 94%? 262 I've tested myself. 263 Hmm. 264 [People chattering] 265 Weli... 266 how did that happen? 267 Apparently detective Foxy's wife, uh, has read fiction. 268 That's great. 269 We're in. 270 We are in. In. 271 [Birds chirping] 272 [Capote cl... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 241 You know, the way I talk. 242 And they're always wrong. 243 You know what I mean? 244 [Whispering] Yeah. 245 I wanna show you something. 246 [Sliding] 247 Maybe this will give you, um, a better picture of what happened. 248 Oh... 249 what is thi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 221 Bye. 222 [Birds twittering] 223 Hi, Danny. I'm Harper Lee. 224 [Knocking on door] 225 Nancy was your best friend? 226 Yeah, she was my best friend. 227 How has Danny been? 228 Pretty shattered. 229 Nothing terrible has ever happened to him befor... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 201 That's horrifying. 202 It comforts me. 203 Something so horrifying... 204 it's, uh, 205 it's a relief. 206 Normal life falls away. 207 But then, I was never much for normal life. 208 [Chuckling] 209 No. 210 Yeah, people here won't talk to me. 21... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 181 Truman. 182 I'm gonna find out where that girl lives. 183 Can I do that alone? 184 All right? 185 Ok. 186 [Train horn blowing in distance] 187 [Door opening] 188 [Sighing] 189 [Creaking] 190 (Jack) I think I scared a friend of yours this morning... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 161 [Sighing] 162 He was... he was foxy with that old man. 163 Hmm. 164 This make you miss Alabama? 165 Not even a little bit. 166 You lie. 167 I don't lie. 168 [Car door closing] 169 [Children chattering] 170 Good morning. 171 Hi. 172 Can any of yo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 141 Can you spell that? 142 Uh, I... I assume you're ok with the Laura part. 143 K-I-N-N-E-Y. 144 [Crowd chattering] But, uh, please, leave her be. 145 There's talk of a bunch of Mexicans. A whole bunch of Mexicans. 146 Hello, George. 147 It's good... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 121 You know, I don't care one way or another 122 if you catch whoever did this. 123 I'm writing an article on how the clutter killings are affecting the town. 124 You know, how you all are bearing up. 125 I care. 126 Excuse me? I care. 127 I care a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 101 Alvin Dewey, 102 Kansas bureau of investigation. 103 K.B.I. 104 [Both chuckling] 105 K.B.I. 106 Hi. I'm looking for Alvin Dewey. 107 [People chattering] 108 [Phone ringing] 109 Hi. 110 Mr. Dewey. 111 Truman Capote, from the New Yorker. 112 Bergd... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 81 but I thought your last book was even better than the first. 82 Thank you. 83 I mean, just when you think they've gotten as good as they can get. 84 Thank you very much. 85 Ma'am. 86 [Clearing throat] 87 [Door closing] 88 You're pathetic. 89 What... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 61 That's all right. I thought I was heading to Kansas by myself. 62 [Both laughing] 63 God, I?m glad you agreed to come. 64 You're the only one I know with the qualifications 65 to be both a research assistant and a personal bodyguard. 66 Thank you... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 41 when they're both of the same sex, is an issue! 42 Don't ask me that! 43 Oh, no, it's not an issue, Jimmy. 44 Everyone's gonna be-be-be quite pleased with that topic. 45 (man) So how about you, Truman? Do you admit it? 46 Well, I?m not nearly tha... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 21 I think being true to who you are is important. 22 I'm not saying you need to be psychoanalytical about the whole mess. 23 But don't be afraid. Yeah, I... but don't be afraid. 24 I had... I had lunch with Jimmy Baldwin the other day. 25 How is he... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-09-20 1 [Wind howling] 2 [Birds cawing] 3 [Knocking on door] 4 [Door creaking] 5 (Laura) Hello? 6 Nancy? 7 [Sobbing] 8 [People chattering] 9 [Mambo music playing] 10 (Capote) exactly. 11 But at least be honest about the facts. 12 That's what I?m saying. W... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-07-23 ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-07-23 ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2007-07-23 ... 阅读全文>> |