日期:2008-11-04 译文 合同是法之实体,大体上是规范自由订立之契约的。大多数人或多或少明白订立合同的含义,他们知道合同就是两个(或更多)人之间的协议或契约,或为揽活,或买卖货物,或拆造房屋,或干其他任何一项工作,一个人或一家公司答应这么做以换取对方的约定(通常指支付钱... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 Contracts is the body of law that by and large concerns voluntary agreements. Most people understand more or less what it means to enter into a contract. They realize that a contract is a bargain or agreement between two people (or more) to do som... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 taxpayer: I see. 税务局:如果住满1年但不超过5年,境外收入只就境内支付的部分征税。 Tax official : any individual who has resided in china for more than one year but less than 5 years , the part paid by a foreign employer and attributable to servic... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 我的境外收入纳税吗? Do I pay tax on my income sourced from Japan ? 纳税人:我是日本ABC公司北京代表处首席代表。请问我在日本的收入在中国纳税吗? Taxpayer : excuse me ,I am the chief representative office Beijing representative ofice of ABC company... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 Mr. Li: It could be exempt on the base of the amount actually happened. Nevertheless it is not considered reasonable that the money is paid every month in the name of housing transfer. 布朗:出差补贴呐? Taxpayer: How about the allowance of trip o... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 哪些补贴可以免税? Which kind of subsidy can be exempt from tax 税务局:这里是涉外分局。 Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau. 布朗:我是ABC公司的乔治。布朗。我找李先生通话。 Taxpayer: This is George brown from ABC company. Id like to spea... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 金融英语阅读:商业贷款 Business lending is an important part of banking because it provides small to medium sized businesses the opportunity to grow quicker compared to self-financing. Lending to businesses is a lot more complicated than lending to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 金融英语阅读:家居装修贷款 Loans for refurbishing houses refer to Renminbi consumer loans granted by the lender to borrowers to facilitate their own house refurbishing. The length of maturity of a loan for refurbishing houses is usually one to three... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 史密斯夫妇终于找到一所满意的房子。他们想买下来,但是又觉得价钱太高,因此委托代理与业主协商一下价格。 A--Agent 物业代理 B--Landlord 业主 C--Client1 客户一 Mr. Smith D--Client2 客户二 Mrs. Smith 罗伯茨一家最终看中了鲁宾逊花园的房子。他们决定把它租下来... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 史密斯夫妇终于找到一所满意的房子。他们想买下来,但是又觉得价钱太高,因此委托代理与业主协商一下价格。 A--Agent 物业代理 B--Landlord 业主 C--Client1 客户一 Mr. Smith D--Client2 客户二 Mrs. Smith A: What do you think about the residential flat? 你觉得... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 物业代理询问要租商业大厦的客户最终的决定如何,得到的答复是因租金太贵,他们不能接受。代理主动要求再提供一些其他地段的房屋信息。 A--Agent 物业代理 C--Client 客户 A: Good afternoon, sir, how are you today? 先生,中午好,你今天好吗? C: Fine, thanks. Ho... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 A--Agent Jenny 物业代理珍妮 B--Client 1 Helen 客户一 海伦 C--Client 2 Elize 客户二 伊利莎 A: Hello, Elize and Helen. Nice to see you again. 你好!海伦、伊利莎,很高兴再见到你们。 C: Hello, Jenny. After our discussion, we would like to have a look of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 A--Agent Jenny 物业代理珍妮 B--Client 1 Helen 客户一 海伦 C--Cilent 2 Elize 客户二 伊莉莎 B: Hello, Can you help me? 你好,能帮我一下吗? A: Sure, what can I do for you? 当然可以,我能为你做点什么呢? B: We know this new shopping arcade is ready for... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 A--Agent Peter Lee 物业代理李彼得 B--Buyer Mrs. Chen 买家陈太太 A: Mrs. Chen, what do you think about this unit? 陈太太,你觉得这个写字间怎么样? B: I don't like this unit because the view is terrible. Take a look. It is so close to the other old bu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 A--Agent Lu Chen 物业代理陈路 C--Client Mr. Roberts 客户罗伯茨先生 A: Good evening. Mr. Roberts. How are you? 晚上好,罗伯茨先生。今天顺利吗? C: Fine, thanks. My wife was not able to come and I have a dinner party to go at eight, So I think I can c... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 A: Robinson Garden is only two years old. The first floor has a prestigious lobby and a car park entrance. The second and third floors are for car parking only. The fourth floor is the clubhouse, which includes a fitness center and one swimming pool... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 A--Agent Lu Chen 物业代理陈路 C--Client Mr. Roberts 客户罗伯茨先生 A: Hi, sir. May I help you? 先生,你好,我可以帮你吗? C: Yes, please. I am looking to lease an apartment. 好的,麻烦你。我正想租套房子。 A: This is my business card. I am Lu Chen. N... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 约翰逊先生要卖房的广告登出去没多久,就有顾客来咨询买房事宜。威尔逊先生接待了她。下面是他们之间的对话。 A--Agent James Wilson 物业代理詹姆士威尔逊 C--Client Mrs. Chen 客户陈太太 A: Good morning, Madam, and how do you do? 早晨好,太太,您好! C: Fine,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 Mr. Johnson因为要回英国,要把他在香港的房子卖掉。但是他的工作很忙,没时间自己处理,于是他来到一家物业代理公司。下面是他们之间的对话。 A--Agent James Wilson 物业代理詹姆士威尔逊 C--Client Mr. Johnson 客户约翰逊先生 A: Good morning, sir. Have a seat p... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-11-04 S: Here is the stamp duty for your reference. 这是印花税表,给您参考。 B: Thank you. Let me write cheques for you. 谢谢,我给你写支票。 S: Which is your mortgage loan bank? 你们在哪家银行申请按揭? C: We chose ABC Bank for mortgage loan. May I ask h... 阅读全文>>

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