日期:2008-03-14 HUSTINGS , Engl. law. The name of a court held before the lord mayor and aldermen of London; it is the principal and supreme court of the city., See 2 Inst. 327; St. Armand, Hist. Essay on the Legisl. Power of England, 75. HYDROMETER . An instrument... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HURDLE , Eng. law. A species of sledge, used to draw traitors to execution. HUshAND , domestic relations. A man who has a wife. 2. The hushand, as such, is liable to certain obligations, and entitled to certain rights, which will be here briefly con... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HOUSE-BOTE . An allowance of necessary timber out of the landlord's woods, for the repairing and support of a house or tenement. This belongs of common-right to any lessee for years or for life. House-bote is said to be of two kinds, estoveriam aedi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HOUSE OF COMMONS , Eng. law. The representatives of the people, in contradistinction to the nobles, taken collectively are called the house of commons. 2. This house must give its consent to all bills before they acquire the authority of law, and al... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HOSTELLAGIUM , Engl. law. A right reserved to the lords to be lodged and entertained in the houses of their tenants. HOSTILITY . A state of open enmity; open war. Wolff, Dr. de la Rat. 1191. Hostility, as it regards individuals, may be permanent or... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HOMINE CAPTO IN WITHERNAM , Engl. law.. The name of a writ directed to the sheriff, and commanding him to take one who has taken any bondsman, and conveyed him out of the country, so that he cannot be replevied. Vide Withernam; Thesaurus, Brev. 63.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HOLDING OVER . The act of keeping possession by the tenant, without the consent of the landlord of premises which the latter, or those under whom he claims, had leased to the former, after the term has expired. 2. When a proper notice has been given... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HIRER , contracts. Called, in the civil law, conductor, and, in the French law conducteur, procureur, locataire, is he who takes a thing from another, to use it, and pays a compensation therefor. Wood's Inst. B. 3, c. 5, p.236; Pothier, Louage, n. 1... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HIGHWAYMAN . A robber on the highway. HILARY TERM , Eng. law. One of the four terms of the courts, beginning the11th and ending the 31st day of January in each year. HIGLER , Eng. law. A person who carries from door to door, and sells by retail, sma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HIGH COURT OF DELEGATES , English law. The name of a court esthlished by stat. 25 Hen. VIII. c. 19, s. 4. No permanent judges are appointed, but in every case of appeal to this court, there issues a special commission, under the great seal of Great... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HEREDITARY . That which is inherited. HERESY , Eng. law. The adoption of any erroneous religious tenet, not warranted by the established church. 2. This is punished by the deprivation of certain civil rights, and by fine and imprisonment. 1 East, P.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HEIR PRESUMPTIVE . A presumptive heir is one who, in the present circumstances, would be entitled to the inheritance, but whose rights may be defeated by the contingency of some nearer heir being born. 2 B1 Com.208. In Louisiana, the presumptive hei... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HEIR, COLLATERAL . A collateral heir is one who is not of the direct line of the deceased, but comes from a collateral line; as, a brother, sister, an uncle and aunt, a nephew, niece, or cousin of the deceased. HEIR, CONVENTIONAL , civil law. A conv... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HEDGE-BOTE . Wood used for repairing hedges or fences. 2 Bl. Com. 35; 16 John. 15. HEIFER . A young cow, which has not had a calf. A beast of this kind two years and a half old, was held to be improperly described in the indictment as a cow. 2 East,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HEARING , crim. law. The examination of a prisoner charged with a crime or misdemeanor, and of the witnesses for the accuser. 2. The magistrate should examine with care all the witnesses for the prosecution, or so many of them as will satisfy his mi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HEALTH . Freedom from pain or sickness; the most perfect state of animal life. It may be defined, the natural agreement and concordant dispositions of the parts of the living body. 2. Public health is an object of the utmost importance and has attra... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 To HARBOR , torts. To receive clandestinely or without lawful authority a person for the purpose of so concealing him that another having a right to the lawful custody of such person, shall be deprived of the same; for example, the harboring of a wi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HANDBILL . A printed or written notice put up on walls, c., in order to inform those concerned of something to be done. HANDSALE , contracts. Anciently, among all the northern nations, shaking of hands was held necessary to bind a bargain; a custom... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HALF SEAL . A seal used in the English chancery for the sealing of commissions to delegates appointed upon any appeal, either in ecclesiastioal or marine causes. HALF YEAR , In the computation of time, a half year consists of one hundred and eighty-... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-14 HALF . One equal part of a thing divided into two parts, either in fact or in contemplation. A moiety. This word is used in composition; as, half cent, half dime, c. HALF-BLOOD , parentage, kindred. When persons have only one parent in common, they... 阅读全文>>

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