日期:2008-03-18 INTERCOURSE . Communication; commerce; connexion by reciprocal dealings between persons or nations, as by interchange of commodities, treaties, contracts, or letters. INTERCHANGEABLY . Formerly when deeds of land were made, where there Were covenant... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INTER . Between, among; as, inter vivos, between living persons; inter alia, among others. INTER ALIA . Among other things; as, the said premises, which inter alia, Titius granted to Caius. INTER ALIOS . Between other parties, who are strangers to t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INTAKERS , Eng. law. The time given to receivers of goods stolen in Scotland, who take them to England. 9 H. V. c. 27. INTEGER . Whole, untouched. Res integra means a question which is new and undecided. 2 Kent, Com. 177. INTENDED TO BE RECORDED . T... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INSURER , contracts. One who has obliged himself to insure the safety of another's property, in consideration of a premium paid, or secured to be paid, to hi.m. It is his duty to pay any loss which has arisen on the property insured. Vide Marsh. Ins... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INSURANCE, MARINE , contracts. Marine insurance is a contract whereby one party, for a stipulated premium, undertakes to indemnify the other against certain perils or sea risks, to which his ship, freight, or cargo, or some of them may be exposed, d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INSTRUMENT , contracts. The writing which contains some agreement, and is so called because it has been prepared as a memorial of what has taken place or been agreed upon. The agreement and the instrument in which it is contained are very different... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INSTITUTION OF HEIR , civil law. The act by which a testator nominates one or more persons to succeed him in all his rights, active and passive. Poth. Tr. des Donations Testamentaires, c. 2, s. 1, 1; Civ. Code of Lo. art. 1598; Dig. lib. 28, tit. 5,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INSTITUTE , Scotch law. The person first called in the tailzie; the rest, or the heirs of tailzie, are called substitutes. Ersk. Pr. L. Scot. 3, 8, 8. See Tailzie, Heir of; Substitutes. 2. In the civil law, an inastitute is one who is appointed heir... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-18 INSTANCE , civil and French law. It signifies, generally, all sorts of actions and judicial demands. Dig. 44, 7, 58. INSTANCE COURT , Eng. law. The English court of admiralty is divided into two distinct tribunals; the one having, generally, all the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INSOLVENT . This word has several meanings. It signifies a person whose estate is not sufficient to pay his debts. Civ. Code of Louisiana, art. 1980.. A person is also said to be insolvent, who is under a present inability to answer, in the ordinary... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INSCRIPTION , civil law. An engagerment which a person, who makes a solemn accusation of a crime against another, enters into, that he will suffer the same punishment, if he has accused, the other falsely, which would have been inflicted upon him ha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INSANITY , med. jur. A continued impetuositv of thought, which, for the time being, totally unfitsga man for judging and acting in relation to the matter in question, with the composure requisite for the maintenance of the social relations of life.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INQUEST . A body of men appointed by law to inquire into certain matters; as, the inquest examined into the facts connected with the alleged murder; the grand jury, is sometimes called the grand inquest. The judicial inquiry itself is also called an... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INNOVATION , Scotch law. The exchange of one obligation for another, so that the second shall come in the place of the first. Bell's Scotch Law Dict. h. t. The same as Novation. (q. v.) INNS OF COURT , Engl. law. The name given to the colleges of th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INNOCENCE , The absence of guilt. 2. The law presumes in favor of innocence, even against another presumption of law: for example, when a woman marries a second hushand within the space of twelve months after her hushand had left the country, the pr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INMATE . One who dwells in a part of another's house, the latter dwelling, at the same time, in the said house. Kitch. 45, b; Com. Dig. Justices of the Peace, B 85; 1 B. Cr. 578; 8 E. C. L. R. 153; 2 Dowl. Ryl. 743; 8 B. Cr. 71; 15 E. C. L. R. 154;... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INJURY , civil law, In the technical sense of the term it is a delict committed in contempt, or outrage of any one, whereby his body, his dignity, or his reputation, is. maliciously injured. Voet, Com. ad Pand. lib. 47, t. 10, n. 1. 2. Injuries may... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INJURIA ABSQUE DAMNO . Injury without damage. Injury without damage or loss will not bear an action. The following, cases illustrate this principle. 6 Mod. Rep. 46, 47, 49; 1 Shower, 64; Willes, Rep. 74, note; 1 Lord Ray. 940, 948; 2 Bos. Pull. 86;... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INIQUITY . Vice; contrary to equity; injustice. 2. Where, in a doubtful matter, the judge is required to pronounce, it is his duty to decide in such a manner as is the least against equity. INITIAL . Placed at the beginning. The initials of a man's... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-15 INHERENT POWER . An authority possessed without its being derived from another. It is a right, ability or faculty of doing a thing, without receiving that right, ability or faculty from another. INHERITANCE , estates. A perpetuity in lands to a man... 阅读全文>>

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