文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2008-10-14 03:00 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Over 200 paintings by Pablo Picasso and an all-star cast of great masters he admired -- Titian, Velazquez, Rembrandt, Goya among others -- went on view in Paris on Wednesday. Organizers of the "Picasso and the Masters" exhibition spent three years negotiating with museums around the world to borrow some of their most famous paintings for the show, which presents works by Picasso next to the masterpieces that inspired them. "It's a celebration not only of Picasso, a great genius of the 20th century presented within a pantheon of masters, but of an intimate dialogue between him and his fathers, his peers," wrote co-curator Anne Baldassari in the exhibition catalog. Madrid's Prado museum was among the most generous, lending seven works including one of its star attractions, "La Maja Desnuda" by the great Spanish artist Francisco de Goya, and pieces by Diego Velazquez and Titian. "This is an enormous loan, in quality and in quantity. Each work is incredible ... It's as if the Louvre was lending the Mona Lisa," Baldassari told French newspaper le Journal du Dimanche. London's National Gallery loaned 11 of its possessions, including "A Woman bathing in a Stream" by Rembrandt, while the National Gallery of Art in Washington sent masterpieces including El Greco's "Saint Martin and the Beggar". French media have reported that transport costs for the 4 million euro ($5.45 million) exhibition alone cost about a million euros, while a similar sum was spent on insurance. The main bulk of the exhibition, which runs until February 2, 2009, is at the Grand Palais and there are two associated exhibitions in two major Paris museums, Louvre and Orsay museum.    (西班牙著名画家)帕布鲁 毕加索和他所敬仰的一些绘画大师的200多幅画作于本周三在法国巴黎展出,这些大师包括(意大利画家)提香、(西班牙画家)委拉斯贵支、伦勃朗和戈雅等。 这场题为《毕加索和大师们》的美术展的筹备工作耗时三年,主办方向世界各地的博物馆借来了一些十分著名的画作参展。画展上,毕加索的作品和给了他灵感与启发的大师们的作品交相辉映。 馆长安妮 博尔达萨里在展览手册中写道:“这不仅是一次20世纪天才画家毕加索和其他美术大师们作品的展示,也是毕加索与他的前辈、同时代画家的一次亲密对话。” 西班牙马德里的帕德鲁美术馆是对本次画展贡献最大的博物馆之一,共借出了七幅画作,其中包括一幅“镇馆之作”——西班牙著名画家弗兰西斯科 德 戈雅的《着衣的玛哈》,以及委拉斯贵支和提香的作品。 博尔达萨里在接受法国《星期日报》的采访时说:“这些借来的画作无论从质上还是量上,都是重量级的。每幅作品都了不得,堪比卢浮宫借出的《蒙娜丽莎》。” 伦敦国家美术馆共出借了11幅作品,其中包括(荷兰画家)伦勃朗的《在河边洗澡的韩德瑞克》;华盛顿国家艺术馆借出了埃尔 葛雷柯的《圣马丁与乞丐》等作品。 据法国媒体报道,此次画展的总成本达400万欧元(545万美元),而仅运输成本这一项就高达100万欧元,保险费用也达100万欧元。 此次画展的主展馆在大皇宫,另有两个联展在巴黎的两大博物馆——卢浮宫和奥赛博物馆举行。此次画展将持续至明年2月。
