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![]() This picture provided by owners Karl and Denise Shaughnessy shows their wire-haired dachshund Chanel in Port Jefferson Station, N.Y. on Long Island. Chanel, who was recognized as the world's oldest dog, died on Friday, Aug. 28, 2009. A wire-haired dachshund that held the record as the world's oldest dog and celebrated1 its last birthday with a party at a dog hotel and spa has died at age 21 — or 147 in dog years. The dog, named Chanel, died Friday of natural causes at her owners' home in suburban2 Port Jefferson Station, on Long Island. Chanel, as stylish3 as her legendary4 namesake, wore tinted5 goggles6 for her cataracts7 in her later years and favored sweaters because she was sensitive to the cold, owners Denice and Karl Shaughnessy said Monday. The playful dachshund was only 6 weeks old when Denice Shaughnessy, then serving with the U.S. Army, adopted her from a shelter in Newport News, Va. Along with her owner, Chanel spent nine years on assignment in Germany, where she became adept8 at stealing sticks of butter from kitchen countertops and hiding them in sofa cushions in the living room, Shaughnessy said. She also liked chocolate, usually considered toxic9 to dogs, Shaughnessy said. "She once ate an entire bag of Reese's peanut butter cups, and, you see, she lived to be 21, so go figure," Shaughnessy added. Karl Shaughnessy nominated Chanel for the title of world's oldest dog after noticing the Guinness World Records book had no record. Guinness World Records officials presented Chanel with a certificate as the world's oldest dog at a Manhattan birthday bash hosted by a private pet food company in May. Chanel loved the party, especially the cake, which had a peanut butter flavor and had been made for dogs, Denice Shaughnessy said. Chanel exercised daily and ate home-cooked chicken with her dog food, but good care wasn't entirely10 responsible for her long life, said her owners, who attributed God. "Dogs are God's angels sent here to look out for us," Denice Shaughnessy said. A dog from New Iberia, La., named Max, is vying11 for the record of world's oldest dog. Owner Janelle Derouen said Max marked his 26th birthday on Aug. 9. She said Guinness World Records officials were reviewing documents to verify his age. When asked for the secret to her dog's long life, Derouen said she was shocked he's still with her. "I have five kids, and all my kids are grown and gone," she said. "Now my grandkids are playing with this dog." 世界最长寿狗纪录保持者于近日去世,享年21岁,按照狗龄计算是147岁。这只硬毛德国种猎犬的最后一次生日在一家犬旅馆度过,当时人们为它举行了生日派对,它还享受了一次水疗服务。 上周五,这只名叫“香奈尔”的狗在她主人位于长岛杰斐逊港站郊区的家中自然死去。 据香奈尔的主人丹尼斯和卡尔•肖内西于本周一介绍,与和她同名的传奇人物一样,香奈尔也很时尚,由于晚年患上白内障,她一直戴着彩色护目镜,而且因为怕冷,她不得不穿着毛衣。 当年丹尼斯•肖内西在弗吉尼亚州纽波特纽斯的一家收容所收养这只顽皮的小猎犬时,它仅有6周大。当时丹尼斯还在美国军中服役。 由于主人被外派,香奈尔便跟随着在德国生活了九年。其间,香奈尔练就了从厨房灶台偷黄油棒,再把它们藏到客厅沙发垫底下的本领。她还爱吃巧克力,而巧克力通常被认为是狗的“毒药”。 丹尼斯•肖内西说:“有一次她吃了一整袋的里斯牌花生酱,但你看,她活到了21岁。所以大家想想看吧。” 之前《吉尼斯世界纪录》并没有收录世界最长寿狗的纪录,卡尔•肖内西注意到之后便提名香奈尔竞争这一头衔。 今年五月,一家私人宠物食品公司在曼哈顿为香奈尔举办了一场生日宴会。吉尼斯世界纪录的官员们则在宴会上为她颁发了世界最长寿狗的证书(Video)。 丹尼斯称,香奈尔很喜欢那次派对,特别是专为它制作的花生酱黄油口味的生日蛋糕。 据介绍,香奈尔每天锻炼,除吃狗食外还吃家里烹制的鸡肉。但她的主人称,精心照料并不是她长寿的全部原因,还要感谢上帝的眷顾。 丹尼斯说:“狗是上帝派到人间来看护我们的天使。” 目前,来自路易斯安那州新伊比利亚的一只名为马克斯的狗正在竞争世界最长寿狗的纪录。它的主人詹妮尔•德劳恩称,马克斯于今年8月9日度过了他26岁的生日。她称吉尼斯世界纪录的官员们正在审核材料,以证实其年龄。 在被问及狗长寿的秘诀时,德劳恩说她自己也感到很惊讶。 她说:“我有五个孩子,都长大离开家了,现在我的孙子们又在和它玩。” Vocabulary: wire-haired:having coarse, stiff, wirelike hair(硬毛的) namesake:a person having the same name as another(同名的人,同名物) tinted:带色彩的 adept at:very skilled; proficient; expert(熟练于,在行) 点击 ![]()
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