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北京时间7月12日凌晨,在经过31个日夜的鏖战之后,2010年南非世界杯落下帷幕。首次举办世界杯大赛的东道主南非在此期间向全世界的球迷和观众展现了一个崭新的非洲大陆,各国媒体均评价此次世界杯为“非洲大陆的胜利”、“一次盛大的聚会”以及“组织良好的一届杯赛”。 ![]() South Africa supporters cheer for their team during the Cup. The World Cup unveiled a new South Africa to the rest of the planet, upending(颠倒) stereotypes1(陈腔滥调,老套) and nightmare scenarios2 about a country that proudly showed off its modern accomplishments3. Images of the world's best footballers, ecstatic(狂喜的,入迷的) fans and top stadiums ruled headlines usually clouded by South Africa's painful apartheid(种族隔离) divisions and staggering(蹒跚的,令人惊愕的) crime and poverty that still afflict4(折磨,使痛苦) millions. "The world has seen this country in a different light," President Jacob Zuma boasted. The first World Cup on African soil has also rubbed off on the rest of the continent, often written off in shades of despair, as 17 states mark 50 years of independence from European colonial powers. Newspapers from around the world have declared the World Cup a "win for all of Africa", "a big successful party", and a "well-organized Cup" as visiting celebrities5 gushed6(涌出,迸发) about the host. Within South Africa, the experience was compared to the euphoria(精神欢快,兴高采烈) experienced 20 years ago when Nelson Mandela walked out of an apartheid prison and set the nation on the path toward full democracy, with elections he won in 1994. "To just present a new South Africa that we dreamt about when Mandela walked out of prison in 1990 becoming a reality in 2010, and that was special," said the top World Cup organizer Danny Jordaan, a veteran of the democracy struggle. After the kickoff on June 11, dire7 warnings overseas that tourists would need stab-proof vests and private bodyguards8 quickly slipped away in favor of images of a multi-racial nation celebrating together in modern cities. "The explosion of national pride and the unity9 that has been displayed by all South Africans is an invaluable10 benefit of the tournament," Zuma said. In a country where the median age(中位数年龄) is 25, most South Africans alive today had little first-hand experience of apartheid which forced races apart but sharp divisions still exist. Crime is justifiably11 a national pre-occupation, with an average 50 murders a day but most violent crime takes place among the poorest South Africans in shantytowns(棚户区) far from the typical tourist vista12. South Africa's poor also experience the greatest struggles getting an education, accessing public services and finding a job - which give the country the world's biggest gap between rich and poor. For the middle and upper classes, the World Cup created an incentive13 to mingle14 across racial lines - to take trains and buses together, to sing and blow vuvuzelas in the stands. After the World Cup, most people will return to their normal lives, and few expect to see many white faces in black neighborhoods. "After, it will be quiet and there won't be any whites any more in Soweto," said Evans Shivambu, at a farewell parade for the tournament. But sports authorities say they want to make an effort and next month will stage a rugby Test match in Soccer City, bringing a traditionally white sport to the stadium on the edge of Soweto. Despite stadium white elephant worries - the perennial15(多年生的,常年的) headache of major sports events - the finance ministry16 says a 38 billion rand ($5 billion) investment in the event paid off without overburdening a budget already financing a $110 billion construction spree(狂欢,欢闹) . And the real gains, South Africa believes, are in changing the world's perceptions, a benefit that is hard to quantify. "You could never pay for it, so I think it's invaluable," said Gillian Saunders, director of Grant Thornton advisory17 services. "The real payoff is not the event itself, it's the global profiling of South Africa and that's gone very, very well," she said. 点击 ![]()
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