Former British prime minister Tony Blair proposed to his now wife Cherie while she was cleaning the toilet during a holiday in Italy, according to a new television documentary.
Former British prime minister Tony Blair proposed to his now wife Cherie while she was cleaning the toilet during a holiday in Italy, according to a new television documentary.
Cherie Blair told BBC television that the future prime minister popped the question in 1979 as she was tidying a villa1 in Tuscany.
"I'd cleaned the toilet and he suddenly announced when I was on my knees that maybe we should get married," the human rights lawyer told the programme "The Real Cherie Blair," which is to be broadcast Wednesday.
"So you agreed to marry him while you were cleaning the toilet?" the interviewer asked.
"Yes, lovely. It was terribly romantic!" she said.
The programme also reveals that Blair calls his wife "the bolshie Scouser," a reference to her Liverpool, north-west England roots and often outspoken2 views.
The Blairs later went on to have four children, including son Leo in 2000 who was the first child to be born to a serving prime minister in more than 150 years.
Blair, 54, left office after 10 years on Wednesday, handing over power to Gordon Brown.
这位人权律师在节目中说:“当时我正跪着洗厕所,他突然说,我们是不是该结婚了。” 这期名为《切丽·布莱尔二三事》的节目将于本周三播出。