Sick of your job? Why can't you leave?
It's a case of the grass not being any greener on the other side. Nearly 60 per cent of Australian workers are not happy with their employer, but almost 50 per cent stick it out because they believe there are not many ideal companies around, a survey released recently shows.
The report by career networking site LinkMe.com.au found that after taking into account working hours, staff morale1, industry, wages, image, charity support and career progression, the 2000 people surveyed predominantly believed their company did not quite make the grade.
Just over 25 per cent of respondents claimed their company's record regarding staff morale was downright awful, 30 per cent said their working hours were too long and inflexible2, 59 per cent reported that their offices are shoddy and drab, and 32 per cent said their wages were far too low.
"Employers must realise that the Australian workplace is an environment of low unemployment so they need to provide better working environments or risk losing staff," CEO of LinkMe.com.au Campbell Sallabank said.
Those that are deemed to be respectable and glamorous3 firms with great working conditions are few and far between.
Only 17 per cent said they believe they worked for an ideal company, while 33 per cent said the competition was tough to get into those types of firms.
Predominantly, staff morale (75 per cent), wages (68 per cent) and proximity4 to home (54 per cent) are the factors considered when determining the ideal companies.
"Workers should not hold back from trying to improve their office environment," Mr Sallabank said.
"There are all sorts of ways where employees can be successful in obtaining this but if attempts continually fall on deaf ears then voting with your feet is the best way to improve the situation as there are plenty of good employers out there."
“隔岸风景好,邻家芳草绿”在这里并不适用。 最近公布的一项调查显示,近六成的澳大利亚员工对他们的雇主不满,但有几乎一半的人坚持不换工作,因为他们认为没有那么多理想的公司可以选择。
LinkMe.com.au 招聘网站的一份报告显示,综合考虑工作时间、员工士气、勤奋程度、工资、企业形象、福利以及职位升迁等因素,2000名受访者中的绝大多数认为他们的公司难以达标。