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US defending champion Joey Chestnut1 won the annual Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest on Friday by downing 64 hot dogs in a competition that stretched into a first-ever overtime2. Chestnut, of San Jose, California, defeated six-time champion Takeru Kobayashi of Japan in the annual event held at New York's Coney Island beach. The two were tied at 59 hot dogs a piece at the end of the regulation 10 minutes, forcing a sudden death overtime to determine which man could eat five more hotdogs in the shortest time. Organizers said it was the first overtime in the contest's history. Chestnut won the overtime, marking his second consecutive3 victory over Kobayashi. Kobayashi won the contest six straight times but lost the title in an upset to Chestnut last year. Thousands of onlookers4 were on hand for the Fourth of July Independence Day event which Nathan's has staged since 1916. The winner receives $10,000, a mustard5 yellow belt and a year's supply of hotdogs from Nathan's, which began in 1916 with a small Coney Island hot dog stand and now sells food products globally. ![]()
当天的比赛在纽约的科尼岛海滩举行,来自加利福尼亚州圣约斯的切斯特纳特战胜六届冠军得主、来自日本的小林尊,成功卫冕。 在本次比赛中,两人在10分钟的正式比赛时间内均吞下59个热狗,“吃”成平手,所以双方只能进入加时赛阶段,在最短时间内吃完五个热狗的一方将获胜。 据主办方介绍,这是该比赛历史上首次用加时赛定胜负。 结果,切斯特纳特在加时赛中胜出,这是他连续第二次击败小林尊夺得冠军。小林尊曾连续六年蝉联此项比赛的冠军,但在去年的比赛中惜败,不保冠军头衔。 当天的比赛吸引了数千名观众观看。“内森杯”国际吃热狗大赛始于1916年,是美国“独立日”的庆祝活动之一。 比赛冠军将获得1万美元的奖金,一根黄绶带以及由“内森”食品公司提供的为期一年的免费热狗供应。起源于1916年的“内森”公司从科尼岛海滩上的一个小热狗摊起家,目前其食品业务遍及全球。 点击 ![]()
上一篇:健康研究:常喝绿茶可预防心脏病 下一篇:妮可•基德曼喜得千金 取名“星期天玫瑰” |
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