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Oscar-winner Nicole Kidman gave birth on Monday to her first biological child, a daughter named Sunday fathered by her husband and country music star Keith Urban.
"We want to thank everybody that has kept us in their thoughts and prayers. We feel very blessed and grateful that we can share this joy with you today," Urban said. A statement issued later in the day by Kidman's publicist said the infant was delivered in the United States and weighed 6 pounds, 7 1/2 ounces (2.93 kg) at birth. "Husband Keith was by Nicole's side, and mother and baby are very well," the spokesman, Allen Eichhorn, said. Kidman, 41, married Urban, 40, in Sydney in June 2006. The following October he checked into the Betty Ford1 Clinic for a three-month stint2 in rehab for alcohol abuse. The actress announced she was pregnant with their first child in January 2008 and was withdrawing from what would have been her latest film, "The Reader." Kidman and former spouse3 Tom Cruise adopted two children during nearly 10 years of marriage that ended in divorce in 2001. She had been pregnant once before with Cruise but suffered a miscarriage4. Kidman and Urban, both Australian citizens, met in January 2005 at an awards dinner held by the Australian government in Los Angeles honoring the two of them. ![]() “奥斯卡”影后妮可•基德曼于本周一产下一女,取名为“星期天(Sunday)”。这是妮可与丈夫、乡村歌手凯斯•厄本的第一个孩子,也是她自己生下的第一个宝宝。 当天,凯斯在其网站上公布:“今天早晨,妮可生下了我们美丽的女儿,我们给她取名为桑迪•罗斯•基德曼•厄本。”在澳大利亚长大的新西兰人凯斯•厄本曾获过格莱美大奖。 他说:“我想感谢每个关心我们和为我们祈祷的人。今天能与你们分享我们的喜悦,我们感到十分快乐和满足。” 当天晚些时候,基德曼的经纪人发表一份声明称,基德曼在美国产下一名女婴,重6磅7.5盎司(2.93公斤)。 发言人艾伦•伊奇霍恩说:“生产时,凯斯一直陪在妮可身边,母女都平安。” 今年41岁的基德曼和40岁的厄本于2006年6月在悉尼完婚。10月,厄本因酗酒成瘾而住进贝蒂•福特康复中心接受了为期三个月的戒酒治疗。 今年1月,妮可宣布自己怀孕,并退出电影《读者》的拍摄。 妮可与前夫汤姆•克鲁斯于2001年离婚,结束了他们近十年的婚姻,在这十年中,他们领养了两个孩子。妮可之前怀过克鲁斯的孩子,但不幸流产。 同为澳洲人的基德曼与厄本于2005年1月在洛杉矶的一次颁奖晚宴上相识,当时两人同时受到澳大利亚政府的表彰。 点击 ![]()
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