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Computer help desks are used to fielding oddball requests but sometimes the questions leave even the best of them stumped1. Such as: "Why isn't my wireless2 mouse connected to the computer?" Or: "Can you reset3 the Internet for me?" Then there was the questioner who asked: "Where can I get software to track UFOs?" Robert Half Technology, a provider of information technology professionals based in Menlo Park, California, asked 1,400 chief information officers from companies across the United States to come up with the most baffling questions their help desks or technical support teams had ever received. Among the more unusual were: -- "My computer is telling me to press any key to continue. Where is the 'any' key?" -- "Can you rearrange the keyboard alphabetically4?" -- "My daughter is locked in the bathroom, can you pick the lock?" -- "Can you tell me the weather forecast for next year?" -- "Can you install cable TV on my PC?" Then there was the computer user who confused the CD-ROM drive with a drink holder5 and asked: "How do I get my computer's coffee-cup holder to come out again?" Katherine Spencer Lee, executive director of Robert Half Technology, said such queries6 were a test of the skills of the help and technical support desks. "These unusual requests highlight the need for technical support personnel to also demonstrate patience, empathy and a sense of humor," she said.
帮用户解决电脑问题是电脑技术支持的主要职责,但有时用户提的问题甚至把IT精英们都给难倒了。 比如:“为什么我的无线鼠标没连在电脑上?” 再如:“能帮我重启一下网络吗?” 还有人会问:“在哪能下载追踪UFO的软件?” 总部位于加州门罗园的“罗伯特1/2”IT咨询公司日前对美国各地的1400位公司IT主管进行了一项调查,让他们列出公司的技术咨询或支持部门所遇到的“最难回答”的问题。其中包括: “电脑提示:请按任意键继续。这个任意键在哪?” “你能将键盘按字母顺序重排吗?” “我女儿被锁在浴室了,你能开锁吗?” “能不能帮我查查明年的天气预报?” “能帮我在电脑上安装有线电视吗?” 还有一位用户将光盘驱动器(CD-ROM)与一种杯架混淆了,问曰:“怎么把电脑上的咖啡杯架弄出来?” “罗伯特1/2”IT咨询公司的执行官凯瑟琳•斯宾塞•李说,这些问题对于技术人员来说的确是个考验。 她说:“技术人员在解答这些问题时,一定要有耐心,要理解用户,还要有些幽默感。” 点击 ![]()
上一篇:奥巴马派生词成年度电视流行词 下一篇:好莱坞年轻红人榜出炉 奈特莉上榜 |
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