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Susan Boyle was admitted to the Priory after the Britain's Got Talent final suffering from "exhaustion1". Britain’s Got Talent star Susan Boyle has been invited to sing for President Barack Obama at the White House as part of Independence Day celebrations on July 4, according to her brother. She is said to be looking forward to the Washington event despite her admission to a Priory clinic suffering from physical and mental exhaustion. Simon Cowell, producer of the series, has telephoned the spinster at the treatment facility to promise he will support her “unconditionally” whatever she decides to do after losing in the final to dance act Diversity. Her White House invitation is the second from the Obamas after she was asked to attend a dinner in May but was too busy to attend. The 48-year-old, who has suffered mild learning difficulties as a result of being deprived of oxygen at birth, has been the subject of concern that she has been exploited by the Britain’s Got Talent series. Early ratings results suggest the final episode on Saturday May 30 was the biggest-rating television programme on any channel since England played in the Euro 2004 football tournament, attracting 17.3 million viewers. Boyle’s brother John, 59, told the reporters: “Susan has been invited to the celebrations at the White House with the president. So as you can see, her dream is still very much alive. In fact, it's only just starting. “Susan is exhausted2. It's no surprise - she has gone from a small town in West Lothian to being famous around the world. “She's been battered3 non-stop for the last seven weeks and it has taken its toll4. But she'll be looking forward now to the Fourth of July.” Despite the invitation there are fears the singer may not appear in public for some time. A spokeswoman for show producers Talkback Thames said it was too early to say whether Boyle would be able to join the live stage tour of the show this month. Cowell has offered to ignore her contractual obligation to take part in the tour. Susan’s other brother Gerry, 55, said Boyle was already recovering well. He said: "She was exhausted when we spoke5 on Sunday but she sounds a lot better today, a bit happier and more like herself. “英国达人”明星苏珊•波伊尔的哥哥称,苏珊日前已受邀前往白宫参加七月四日美国独立日庆祝活动,并为奥巴马献唱。 据称,尽管苏珊已经因身心俱疲前往普莱奥利医院接受治疗,但她对华盛顿之行十分期待。 苏珊在决赛中输给“万象”舞蹈组合。“英国达人”节目制片人西蒙•考威尔致电正在接受治疗的苏珊,保证不管她做出任何决定,他都将“无条件地”支持。 这已经是奥巴马夫妇第二次邀请苏珊前往白宫了,之前她曾受邀于五月前去赴宴,但由于太忙而无法参加。 现年48岁的苏珊出生时因为缺氧而患上了轻微的学习障碍症,在参加“英国达人”节目后,她一度精疲力尽,因此成为人们关注的焦点。之前的收视率调查显示,今年5月30日(周六)进行的决赛吸引了1730万观众,是自2004年有英格兰队参战的欧洲杯足球锦标赛以来,英国所有频道播出节目中收视率最高的。 波伊尔的哥哥、现年59岁的约翰在接受记者采访时说:“苏珊被邀请去白宫和总统一起参加庆祝活动,所以你看,她的梦想仍有可能实现,事实上,她的美梦才刚刚开始。” “苏珊累得筋疲力尽,这并不奇怪,她从西洛锡安的一个小镇一跃红遍全球。” “她在过去七周连轴转,因此累倒了。但她现在非常期待七月四日的到来。” 尽管受到邀请,人们仍担心这位“歌星”在今后一段时间内无法公开露面。Talkback Thames制片公司的一位女发言人称,现在还无法确定波伊尔能否参加本月举行的现场巡演。 考威尔称苏珊可以不履行合同约定的参加巡演的义务。苏珊的另一位哥哥、现年55岁的杰瑞称,波伊尔康复得不错。他说:“我们上周日通话时她还很疲惫,但今天听起来好多了,她更高兴,也更像她自己了。” Vocabulary: take its toll:造成损失 点击 ![]()
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