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Firefighters run in Frankfurt's Trade Fair Tower (Messeturm) during the "skyrun" in Frankfurt May 24, 2009. Firefighters are the most trusted professionals in Europe and the United States, and politicians the least, with bank employees considerably1 less trusted than a year ago, according to a survey out on Friday. After a year in which much of the world slid into recession led by a crisis in the financial sector2, just 37 percent of respondents to a survey by market research institute GfK said they trusted bankers, compared with 45 percent a year ago. Firefighters were trusted by 92 percent of respondents, and politicians by 18 percent. Some of the biggest variations between the countries included in the survey -- 16 European countries and the United States -- were found in levels of trust in the church, the police and judges. The clergy3 is trusted by 88 percent of Romanians but just 26 percent of Greeks, for example, while just 37 percent of the Russians surveyed said they trusted the police, compared with 88 percent in Germany. Bulgarian judges won 31 percent approval, while in Poland 86 percent said they trusted judges. Politicians were least trusted in Greece, with just 6 percent of the vote, and even in the top-rated country for politicians, Sweden, they won only 38 percent approval. Advertising4 professionals were second-least trusted after politicians, and top managers third-least. Journalists were the sixth-least trusted of the 20 professions covered by the survey, with a 41 percent rating. GfK surveyed 17,295 people in February and March 2009 for its annual poll. 上周五公布的一项最新调查显示,在欧洲和美国,消防员是最受信任的职场人士,政客的信任度则最低。与一年前相比,银行职员受信任的程度大幅下降。 一年前的金融危机导致世界大部分地区陷入经济衰退。市场调查机构捷孚凯开展的这项调查显示,目前仅有37%的受访者仍然信任银行界人士,而一年前这一比例为45%。 调查显示,92%的受访者信任消防员,仅有18%的受访者信任政界人士。 来自16个欧洲国家和美国的受访者在对神职人员、警察和法官的信任度方面分歧最大。 例如,有88%的罗马尼亚受访者信任牧师,而在希腊这一比例仅为26%。37%的俄罗斯受访者信任警察,而在德国这一比例为88%。 31%的保加利亚受访者信任法官,而在波兰这一比例为86%。 在希腊,政界人士得票率仅为6%,是最不被信任的人。即使在政界人士最受信任的瑞典,他们的得票率也仅有38%。 在最不受信任榜单中,广告从业者排名第二,仅次于政客,而总经理则排名第三。 在被调查的20种职业中,记者得票率为41%,在最不受信任榜单中排名第六。 此项年度调查由捷孚凯市场调查机构在今年二三月间进行,共有17295人参与。 点击 ![]()
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