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美国《名利场》杂志最近公布了2009年好莱坞明星的收入排行,《哈利•波特》系列电影中的女主角艾玛•沃特森以2000万英镑的总收入超过卡梅隆•迪亚兹等人荣登女星收入榜首,现年19岁的她同时也是榜上最年轻的明星。该系列电影的男主角丹尼尔•克里夫则以4000万英镑的总收入位列好莱坞明星收入榜的第六名,因为排在前五位的都是导演,因此丹尼尔也成为男星中的“吸金王”。《名利场》杂志表示,在计算明星收入时不但包括了他们出演影片得到的报酬,同时还包括各类广告及代言合约带来的收入。新锐明星中上榜的还有《暮光》系列的男主角罗伯特•帕丁森,他以1125万英镑的总收入位居第38位。 Harry Potter star Emma Watson has been named as the highest paid female star in Hollywood. Harry Potter star Emma Watson has been named as the highest paid female star in Hollywood. The 19 year-old earned more than established已制定的,确定的 stars such as Cameron Diaz and Sarah Jessica Parker on a list of Hollywood’s top 40 earners. Her 2009 income was put at £20 million in the inaugural2就职的,开始的 list compiled by Vanity Fair名利场 magazine. The magazine said her fee for appearing in the final two parts of series, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” was £10 million. Watson, who is studying at a US university in Rhode Island, has also picked up lucrative有利可图的,赚钱的 advertising5 contracts and is the face of fashion chain Burberry. As well as earning more than any other actress she is also the youngest on the list. Her Potter co-star Daniel Radcliffe fared even better and was placed sixth with an income £25.6m. Incredibly, the 20 year old was the highest paid actor on the list with the top five places all occupied by directors. Radcliffe’s bank balance has been swelled膨胀,隆起 by a guest appearance in an advert4 to注意,言及 be shown during the Super Bowl game on Sunday. He features in a spot for the new Hogwarts theme park opening at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, later this year. The magazine, which compiled its list from various sources, said Radcliffe pulled in £$40m for his role in the final two Harry Potter films. A further $1m came from royalties7版税,稿酬 from merchandising linked the series of films based on JK Rowling’s books. Radcliffe, who has used some of his earning to build up a property portfolio文件夹,公文包 in the UK and US, earned more than Johnny Depp and Robert De Niro. The top 40 list was topped by director Michael Bay who made the Transformers film. His income was put at £78.12m with Steven Spielberg second on the list with $53.1m. James Cameron, the director and producer of Avatar, was fourth with £31.25m. With his science fiction科幻小说 epic9 eclipsing重叠 Titanic10 as the most successful of all time with more than £1.1bn at the box office his income for 2010 is likely to double, particularly when the DVD of the film goes on sale. Robert Pattinson was the only other British star in the top 40. The “Twilight” star earned £11.25m to make it on to the list at number 38 two places above Brad Pitt. 点击 ![]()
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