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Goals set for wastewater use 多部门推进污水资源化 The country aims to see a marked improvement in sewage collection efficiency by 2025 as it enhances sewage treatment capabilities1 in cities and counties to meet increasing demand, according to a guideline, jointly2 issued on Jan 11 by 10 government bodies, including the National Development and Reform Commission. 国家发改委等10部门1月11日联合印发的《关于推进污水资源化利用的指导意见》提出,到2025年,全国污水收集效能显著提升,县城及城市污水处理能力基本满足当地经济社会发展需要; By 2025, at least 25 percent of the sewage treated in water-deficient cities should be used as reclaimed3 water, it said, with the rate set at more than 35 percent for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 全国地级及以上缺水城市再生水利用率达到25%以上,京津冀地区达到35%以上。 By 2035, China expects to establish a wastewater utilization4 system that is organized, safe, environmentally friendly and economical, it added. 到2035年,形成系统、安全、环保、经济的污水资源化利用格局。 The guideline called for efforts to push forward the recycling of wastewater as resources in key areas, such as urban domestic sewage, industrial wastewater and agricultural and rural sewage treatment. 根据指导意见,我国污水资源化利用的重点领域包括城镇生活污水、工业废水、农业农村污水等三方面。 In 2019, the country discharged 75 billion cubic meters of wastewater in its urban areas, but less than 10 billion cubic meters of reclaimed water was utilized5, according to the commission. 2019年,我国城镇污水排放量约750亿立方米,再生水利用量不到100亿立方米。 点击 ![]()
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