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    She has perfect pitch.

  Victor: 她有完美的乐感。

    Nancy: Pitch is like a musical note, and having perfect pitch is when you always can tell exactly the correct note in whatever you are singing or playing.

  Victor: Pitch像个音符,而having perfect pitch是说当你在唱歌或演奏时都能找准正确音符。

  What do you have on tap?

  Victor: 你喝什么样的生啤酒?

  Nancy: This is a common question in a bar or restaurant,"on tap" refers to beer which people drink out of a big glass mug called a beer stein.


  The plane is having mechanical1 difficulties.

  Victor: 这架飞机出现了点机械故障。

  Nancy: If the plane's engine is having trouble,they won't let anyone fly until it's fixed,which is a good thing.

  Victor: 如果飞机发动机出现问题,他们会等到修好才允许起飞,这是很负责任的表现。

  Go ahead,take that attitude.

  Victor: 随便,我无所谓。Take that attitude就像说“就那样吧,我无所谓”。

  Nancy: Saying take that attitude is like saying,“Be that way,I don't care!”

  Things are getting out of hand.

  Victor: 事情无法控制了。

  Nancy: Out of hand means something is out of control,or hard to deal with for whatever reason,usually that there's simply too much of it.

    Victor: Out of hand 意思是事情无法控制或很难解决,一般指事情太多。

  He's in better condition now than he ever was.

    Victor: 他的身体从没这么好过。

  Nancy: To be in good condition means to be physically2 healthy, and able to do a lot of exercise without getting tired.

  Victor: To be in good condition 表示体格健康,做很多锻炼都不会感到累。

  Sorry,she's not here right now,can Itake a message?

        Victor: 对不起,她现在不在,能留言吗?

  Nancy: This is considered a polite way to answer the phone,either at home or in business.

        Victor: 在家或公司这都是一种有礼貌的接电话方式。  


1 mechanical YCDxt     
  • He borrowed a mechanical book from me.他从我这儿借了一本力学方面的书。
  • He looks very mechanical.他看上去非常呆板。
2 physically iNix5     
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。