• 近年大量神职人员性虐儿童事件被曝光

    14-03-02 The flood of allegations, lawsuits and official reports into clerical abuse reached a peak in 2009 and 2010, which observers say may explain the spike shown in the document. 在2009年和2010年间,大量有关神职人员性虐儿童的指控、诉讼和官方报道已经沸腾...

  • domestic violence 家庭暴力

    12-05-31 The allegations have helped turn the spotlight once again onto domestic violence , a problem that experts at the All-China Women's Federation say is universal. 李阳被指家暴事件再次将公众关注的目光引向家庭暴力这个话题,全国妇联的专家一致认为家暴是全...

  • 儿童期躯体虐待可能导致将来患心脏病

    10-07-23 Childhood physical abuse(身体虐待) is associated with significantly elevated(提高的,高尚的) rates of heart disease in adulthood, according to new findings by University of Toronto researchers, published in this month's issue of the journal Chil...

  • 尼日利亚警方称受到特赦国际不公正待遇

    09-12-10 Nigerian police say rights group Amnesty treated them unfairly after the group accused them of routinely killing and disappearing civilians. 尼日利亚警方称自从特赦国际控告他们杀害平民之后,他们就受到不公正待遇。 Police spokesman Emmanuel Ojukwu told...

  • 爱尔兰天主教向被神父虐待的儿童致歉

    09-11-27 The leader of the Catholic Church in Ireland has said he is deeply sorry and ashamed about the widespread sexual abuse of children by priests. 爱尔兰天主教会首领称,他对广泛发生的神父性虐待儿童事件表示深深的歉意和惭愧。 Cardinal Brady said children'...

  • 津巴布韦军队撤离马朗金刚石矿区

    09-11-20 Zimbabwe say it is pulling soldiers out of a diamond field in the country's east, after global diamond trade chiefs alleged abuses were taking place there. 全球钻石交易首脑称津巴布韦国土东部金刚石矿区存在暴力事件,津巴布韦因此宣布从那里撤军。 It is...

  • 澳大利亚向曾经被虐待的儿童致歉

    09-11-16 Australia's PM Kevin Rudd has apologised to the hundreds of thousands of children who were abused or neglected in state care as children. 澳大利亚总理陆克文向数十万曾经在孤儿院中被虐待或者忽视的儿童道歉。 Many of the children were lied to about thei...

  • The Second Time Around

    09-11-04 At the age of 18, I married for the first time. After almost 24 years of tumultuous(乱哄哄的,喧哗的) havoc(大破坏,蹂躏) that nearly cost me my life, that marriage ended in divorce . I swore that I would never again care enough about anyone to...

  • Many UK teenage girls abused by boyfriends: study 调查:英国

    09-09-12 A third of teenage British girls say they have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of their boyfriends, according to a report by a children's charity on Tuesday. A quarter of girls also experienced violence, the National Society for the Prevention of...

  • US launches probe into CIA abuses 美国着手调查CIA虐囚案

    09-08-25 A special US prosecutor has been appointed to investigate allegations of abuse of terror suspects. 一位美国专门检察官被指派调查虐待恐怖主义嫌疑犯事件。 President Obama has announced a revamp of detainee interrogation The announcement of John Durham'...