• 北京2022冬奥会运动员菜单近日正式发布

    21-11-18 北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会运动员菜单近日正式发布,来自世界各地的特色菜品拼盘成舌尖上的冬奥,向世界各地的冰雪健儿发出诚挚邀请。 Organizers of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games have released a menu of 678 dishes that will be served during the Game...

  • 2022年北京冬奥会闭环管理

    21-10-01 北京时间9月29日,国际奥委会主席巴赫主持召开国际奥委会执行委员会会议,国际残奥委会主席帕森斯列席。会议审议了北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会疫情防控关键政策。 All athletes and games participants who are fully vaccinated will enter a closed-loop management...

  • 让马拉松变得更环保

    21-01-03 Even if youre a couch potato like me, youll know the benefits of running - pounding the pavements, working up a sweat, burning off some calories and generally keeping fit. But if youre a real fitness junkie, the ultimate running challenge is to take...

  • C罗成全球收入最高的运动员

    16-06-24 Hes just won the Champions League with Real Madrid -- and now Cristiano Ronaldo can celebrate being the worlds highest-paid athlete, too. 刚刚助皇家马德里赢得欧冠的克里斯蒂亚诺罗纳尔多,现在又可以庆祝自己成为全球收入最高的运动员。 Forbes estimates t...

  • 第六届世界传统武术锦标赛在中国开赛

    14-10-28 The 6th World Traditional Wushu Championship is still underway in the Great Wish Cultural Park in the city of Chizhou, east China's Anhui Province. 第六届世界传统武术锦标赛在中国安徽东部城市池州大希望文化公园内开赛。 The 6th World Traditional Wushu...

  • 刚果四名运动员在伦敦“失踪”

    12-08-14 Four members of the Democratic Republic of Congo's Olympic delegation have gone missing in London, reports say. 报道称,刚果民主共和国奥运代表团四名成员在伦敦失踪。 Cedric Mandembo, who competed in judo(柔道) , and coaches with the athletics, boxi...

  • 七名喀麦隆运动员在奥运村消失

    12-08-11 喀麦隆体育代表团团长表示,有七名该国运动员上周末从奥运村消失,其中包括五名拳击运动员,一名游泳运动员,以及一名女足队员。这些运动员消失的原因尚不清楚,不过有传言称他们是因为经济原因想留在英国。 Seven Cameroonian athletes have disappeared while in Bri...

  • 奥运选手饮食探秘

    12-08-04 It takes more than just practice to become an Olympian. Gold medal performances require some serious nutrition. Have you ever wondered what these elite athletes eat to stay in peak shape? 要成为奥运选手,仅仅刻苦训练是不够的。要获得金牌,选手需要特...

  • 印度六名运动员未通过兴奋剂测试被停赛

    11-07-01 Six Indian athletes - five women and one man - have been suspended after failing doping tests, officials say. 印度官员称,六名运动员(五女一男)因没有通过兴奋剂测试而被停赛。 Sini Jose (far right) and Mandeep Kaur (second from right) won Commonwealt...

  • 2010年冬奥会将于温哥华举行

    10-02-12 Vancouver will welcome some 2,500 athletes to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Canada at Friday's opening ceremony. 2010年冬奥会将在加拿大城市温哥华举行,在周五的开幕典礼上,温哥华将迎来各国2500名运动员。 British luge competitor AJ Rosen takes a training...