• aerotropolis 航空大都市

    17-09-26 Aerotropolis refers to a city in which the layout, infrastructure, and economy are centered around a major airport. 航空大都市指的是城市设计、基础设施和经济形式都以大型机场为中心的城市。 This word combines the prefix aero-, relating to airplanes and...

  • 2016中国机场国际航班客流量暴涨

    17-05-09 Chinas airports saw surging international flights last year as more Chinese travelled overseas, official data showed. 官方数据显示,因越来越多的中国人选择海外旅游,2016年中国各大机场国际航班客流量暴涨。 Over 51.6 million passenger trips to internati...

  • 上海将建商用机场

    17-04-12 Shanghai is considering building a new business aviation airport to meet the rising demand for business jets in the city, an official from the Shanghai Airport Authority said on Tuesday. 上海空管局的一位官员周二表示,上海将考虑建造一座商业航空机场以...

  • 在飞机上使用手机可能罚款五万

    16-08-10 Passengers using mobile phones on planes might face 50,000 yuan ($7,515) fine, according to a latest draft amendment to the countrys Civil Aviation Law that was published on Monday by the Civil Aviation Administration of China. 根据中国民用航空总局...

  • 天津将举办直升机展览

    15-09-08 A helicopter exhibition is set to begin tomorrow in Tianjin. 明天天津将举办一场直升机展览。 The exhibition, which will run from Wednesday to Sunday, is being put together to try to encourage sales in the civilian helicopter market, which just opened...

  • 中国将于2015年开放民航市场

    14-11-06 China has decided to open its civil aviation markets in 2015, allowing private aircraft to fly in airspace under 1,000 meters without permissions from the military. 中国决定于2015年开放民用航空市场,届时私人飞机在低于1000米的空域内飞行将无需军方许可...

  • 坠机时尾部位置最安全

    12-09-23 Beware first-class travellers! Passengers sitting in the rear of a plane have the best chance of survival in the event of a crash, an extraordinary and costly aviation experiment ever conducted has revealed. 头等舱的乘客要当心了!一项耗资巨大的特别...

  • 尼日利亚将处罚英国航空和维珍航空

    11-11-18 Nigeria's civil aviation authority has fined British Airways and Virgin Atlantic in a row over ticket prices. 尼日利亚民用航空管理局因票价问题对英国航空和维珍航空进行罚款。 The fines come in the wake of a row over landing slots at Heathrow Nigeria's...

  • 航空业碳减排目标:2050年减半

    09-12-12 国际航空运输协会在哥本哈根会议期间公布了航空业的减排目标,承诺到2050年,该行业的碳排量将比2005年减少50%。航空公司、机?⒖罩泻叫蟹?窆┯ι毯椭圃焐痰刃?岢稍本?信担旱?020年,年均燃效提高1.5%;从2020年开始,稳定碳排放,达到碳中和增长;到2050年,碳排...

  • Planes 'to reset climate targets' 英国:航空业发展需要重设环

    09-09-09 The UK may have to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by 90% by 2050 so the aviation sector can continue to grow. 英国需要在2050年以前将温室气体的排放缩减90%以促进航空业的继续发展。 The rest of the economy may have to make space for aviation emission...