• 世界银行行长金墉2月1日将离职

    19-01-09 World Bank Group (WBG) President Jim Yong Kim announced on Monday that he will be stepping down from his position. 世界银行集团行长金墉周一宣布他将离职。 World Bank CEO Kristalina Georgieva will assume the role of interim president effective Feb. 1,...

  • 工行土耳其分行被评“年度国际银行”

    18-12-21 ICBC Turkey, a branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), on Thursday was named the International Bank of the Year for its distinguished contributions to Turkeys economy. 中国工商银行土耳其分行周四因对土耳其经济的显著贡献而被评为...

  • 两家中国银行成为联合国大会观察员

    18-12-21 The UN General Assembly on Thursday granted the status of observer to two development banks both headquartered in China and founded only years ago. 联合国大会周四授予两家总部设在中国且建立不久的发展银行观察员地位。 In two separate resolutions adopte...

  • 央行发行港珠澳大桥通车纪念币

    18-10-24 On Wednesday Chinas central bank issued a silver commemorative coin for the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. 本周三,中国人民银行发行港珠澳大桥通车银质纪念币。 The 10 yuan (1.44 US dollars) coin, which is legal tender, contains 30 grams...

  • 汇丰将成在华上市的首家外资银行

    18-10-23 HSBC will be the first foreign bank to offer Chinese Depository Receipts. 汇丰银行将成为可以提供中国存托凭证的首家外国银行。 Plans for the London-Shanghai stock exchange have been in the works for a long time, and in recent months it has rapidly dev...

  • 中国国家开发银行向非洲提供5亿美元贷款

    18-09-07 China Development Bank (CDB), the countrys major policy bank, signed a deal Thursday to loan 500 million U.S. dollars to African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank). 中国国家开发银行周四与非洲进出口银行签署一份5亿美元的贷款协议。 The deal was reached a...

  • 中国马来西亚续签货币互换协议

    18-08-21 The Peoples Bank of China, the countrys central bank, said Monday that it had extended a currency swap agreement with the central bank of Malaysia. 中国人民银行周一宣布,与马来西亚央行续签货币互换协议。 The swap is for 180 billion yuan (26.2 billion...

  • 第四届亚投行年会将在卢森堡召开

    18-06-27 The Board of Governors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) announced in Mumbai on Tuesday that the Fourth AIIB annual meeting will be held in Luxembourg in July 2019. 亚洲基础设施投资银行理事会周二在孟买宣布,第四届亚投行年度会议将于2...

  • 国家开发银行对上合成员贷款超千亿

    18-06-08 China Development Bank (CDB), a major policy bank, has so far loaned more than 100 billion U.S. dollars to members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), data from the bank showed. 中国国家开发银行,一家重要的政策性银行,目前已向上合组织成...

  • WorldFirst申请进入中国第三方支付

    18-05-03 Chinas central bank, the Peoples Bank of China, received the first application from a foreign payment company to enter the countrys booming third-party payment industry on Wednesday. 本周三,中国人民银行收到某外国支付公司申请进入国内第三方支付产业的...