• beat around the bush 拐弯抹角

    21-11-23 在日常生活中,我们形容一个人说话弯弯绕绕的时候,会用一个词拐弯抹角。和这种人打交道特别累,因为他们有话不直接说,非要遮遮掩掩。 拐弯抹角,汉语成语,也称转弯抹角,字面意思表示沿着弯弯曲曲的路走(follow a road of turns and twists,proceed along a zigza...

  • 主播们口中的“热词金句”

    21-05-25 喷饭 something makes you spit out your riceLaughable or Choke with laughter 满嘴跑火车 your mouth is a runaway train Youre full of crap. 扎轮胎 slashing tirestake revenge. 怨妇心态 a female who is full of complaintsgreen-eyed monster 遮羞布 loin clo...

  • whisk, beat or whip

    21-05-24 whisk、beat 和 whip 都可以用在谈论做饭的语境当中,尤其是在做含有 eggs 鸡蛋的菜品时,这三个词的使用频率很高。Whisk、beat 和 whip 都有 搅打、搅拌食物 的意思,它们之间的区别在于 搅拌 食材的种类、烹饪工具以及 whisk、beat 和 whip 所描述的 搅拌 动作的目的...

  • 打鸡蛋的“打”用英语怎么说

    21-05-15 whisk、beat 和 whip 都可以用在谈论做饭的语境当中,尤其是在做含有 eggs 鸡蛋的菜品时,这三个词的使用频率很高。Whisk、beat 和 whip 都有 搅打、搅拌食物 的意思,它们之间的区别在于 搅拌 食材的种类、烹饪工具以及 whisk、beat 和 whip 所描述的 搅拌 动作的目的...

  • march to the beat of a different drum 独树一帜,标新立异

    21-04-11 表达 march to the beat of a different drum 的字面意思是 踏着不同的鼓点前进,它实际用来指 某人不遵守社会规范,独树一帜、标新立异。这个表达也可以被说成 march to the beat of a different drummer,意思不变。 例句 That man shaved half of his beard off, so...

  • 吓坏了

    20-11-26 1. My heart missed a beat. 吓得我的心停跳了一拍。 搭配miss a beat和汉语里说的吓得我心里一紧的意思相同。 2. I was scared out of my wits. 我的魂都吓飞了。 当单词wit用作复数的时候,它的意思是头脑、机智。 所以,表达scared out of someones wits的意思就是...

  • Hello Mother, Hello Father

    15-03-02 A child custody case was held in court. The judge felt that the mother and father were both fit to be parents and therefore couldn't decide who he should grant full custody to. So he asks the little boy, Would you like to live with your mother? No....

  • dead beat 吃软饭的人

    13-12-23 《北京遇上西雅图》影片中由吴秀波饰演的男主角Frank一直被称为DB。那么DB到底是什么意思呢? DB是一个缩略词,它可以有很多含义,比如IT人都熟悉的database数据库,比如美剧中常见的don't bother别麻烦,比如美国俚语Dumb Bunny可爱的傻瓜当然你也可以理解为是David B...

  • 《兔子洞》五

    12-06-06 影片对白 Becca: We don't need all that stuff. Howie, we just don't. Howie: You wanting to sell the house. You sending Taz to your mother's. Becca: There was a lot going on. The dog got under foot. Howie: Right. And he was a reminder. Becca: Yes, yes...

  • Refusing to accept failure

    09-12-21 Mount Everest, you beat me the first time, but I'll beat you the next time (Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay during their Everest expedition) Sir阁下,爵士 Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb Mount Everest珠穆朗玛峰 . On May 29, 1953 he s...