• 朝鲜庆祝金正日70诞辰

    12-02-16 North Korea is marking the 70th birthday of late leader Kim Jong-il. 朝鲜正在举办已故领袖金正日诞辰70周年纪念。 Kim Jong-il, who died late last year, would have been 70 years old today Despite the frigid(寒冷的) weather, people gathered early on T...

  • 世界年龄最大双胞胎度过第102个生日

    12-01-07 一对英国双胞胎姐妹日前度过了她们102岁生日,《吉尼斯世界纪录》已经正式将她们列为世界上年龄最大的双胞胎。 The world's oldest twins celebrated their 102nd birthday together on Wednesday. Born on January 4, 1910, Ena Pugh and Lily Millward have spent ea...

  • 《重生男人》六

    11-12-19 影片对白 Remy: Didn't your eyes used to be brown? Beth: Opticor 202, with kaleidoscope enhancement. Remy: How do you keep track of all those things you've got in there? Beth: Let's see. Pancreas and kidneys from the diabetes. One went bad outside wa...

  • 《欲望都市电影版2》三

    11-11-01 精彩对白 Samantha: One night in Abu Dhabi, all expenses paid. Carrie: I've always been fascinating about the Middle East, desert moons, magic carpets . Lily: Like Jasmine and Aladdin ? Carrie: Yes sweety. Just like Jasmine but with cocktails. Charlo...

  • She's rather buy a gift 她宁愿买一件礼物

    11-09-08 While on a trip, Mom realized that she had forgotten a present for Dad's birthday. That's okay, he said, The only thing I want is for you to love, honor and obey. Mom pondered that idea and then replied, I'd rather buy you a gift. 旅途中,妈妈想起她...

  • Birthday 生日

    11-06-28 Professor: When is your birthday? Kid: May 30. Professor: Which year? Kid: Every year. 教授:你的生日是什么时候? 孩子:5月30日。 教授:哪一年? 孩子:每年都是。...

  • The origin of Christmas 圣诞节的起源

    11-04-04 The name Christmas is short for Christ's Mass. A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is a religious festival. It is the day we celebrate as the birthday of Jesus. There are special christmas services in Christian churches all over the world....

  • I'll never understand wome

    11-03-22 Max sat at the bar totally dejected(沮丧的) . The bartender(酒保) served him his second drink and said, What's wrong pal? I'll never understand women. Max said. The other night my wife threw me a birthday party. She told me that later on, as her...

  • Three Whistles

    10-11-18 I promised my girlfriend a gold necklace for her birthday, but when the jeweler(珠宝商) quoted a price for one we liked, I let out a long, low whistle. And how much are they then? I asked, pointing to another tray(托盘,文件盒) . You, sir, repli...

  • 全球球迷纪念甲壳虫已故主唱列侬诞辰

    10-10-16 10月9日,全球各地的乐迷举行各类纪念活动,纪念甲壳虫乐队已故主唱约翰列侬诞辰70周年。 A person lays a drawing of John Lennon on the Imagine mosaic in Strawberry Fields in Central Park to celebrate Lennon's birthday in New York, October 9, 2010. A crus...