• 贝嫂亲吻女儿嘴唇照片引争议

    16-07-17 Victoria Beckham is under fire for posting a photo kissing her 5-year-old daughter, Harper, on the lips. 维多利亚贝克汉姆晒出亲吻5岁女儿哈珀嘴唇的照片,由此引火上身。 Beckham posted the photo for her daughters birthday, writing Happy Birthday baby g...

  • 乔治小王子新照片曝光

    15-07-25 Grinning cheekily in his father's arms, Prince George can't resist monkeying around in this previously unseen photograph issued to mark his second birthday tomorrow. 明天就是乔治小王子的2周岁生日啦!在一张首次公布的照片中,乔治王子依偎在爸爸的怀里,...

  • 夫人属“牛”

    15-07-16 In the past, an official celebrated his birthday. A small official under him heard that he was born in the year of the rat. To curry the official's favour, he had a gold rat cast as a birthday present and went to the official's house to congratulate...

  • A surprise 大吃一惊

    14-12-24 We had just moved into a new school district, when brother was invited to a surprise birthday party. He didn't want to go, however, because he couldn't recall ever meeting the birthday boy. Ridiculous! said my mother. If he didn't know you, his moth...

  • Xiang Ling in Grass Game

    14-12-18 On baoyu's birthday the young ladies held a drinking party in which they composed poems and much fun. Their service maids started a game of their own. Xiang Ling, Xue Fan's concubine, collected some flower and grass and began a grass game with the o...

  • Birthday presents 生日礼物

    14-07-30 A woman had bought birthday presents for her husband. She was so excited and anxious to tell him. She said, I've bought two presents for your birthday, dear. I would tell you now because I can't wait until that day. One present is a mat to put in fr...

  • 英国女王迎来88岁生日

    14-04-27 A portrait of the Queen by British photographer David Bailey has been released in honour of her 88th birthday on Monday. 4月21日是英国女王伊丽莎白二世88岁的生日,此前一天,英国王室公布了女王的最新肖像照以示庆祝。 David Bailey's portrait was taken at...

  • 津巴布韦总统庆祝90岁生日

    14-02-24 Thousands of Zimbabweans have attended an official 90th birthday celebration for President Robert Mugabe. 津巴布韦成千上万人参加了总统罗伯特穆加贝90岁生日的官方庆典。 He moved around the venue in the back of a truck, accompanied his wife Grace The v...

  • 奥巴马送米歇尔逍遥假期做生日礼物

    14-01-10 President Barack Obama is going to give his wife the birthday present that many parents can only dream of - time off, alone, without the children. 奥巴马将送给妻子一份许多母亲梦寐以求的生日礼物无需照顾孩子,继续在夏威夷逍遥度假。 US President Barack...

  • 教皇与流浪者共进早餐 庆祝77岁生日

    13-12-30 12月17日, 教皇弗朗西斯迎来了自己的77岁生日。庆祝活动从早上开始教皇在梵蒂冈邀请三名罗马流浪汉(其中一人还携带一只狗)共进早餐,一同做弥撒,流浪汉赠送给教皇一束向日葵。 Three homeless men, one of them carrying his dog, helped Pope Francis celebrate h...