• 阻力运动与血流控制可增强老年人肌肉质量

    10-05-16 For years, researchers have known that resistance exercise training such as weightlifting, in which muscles work against gravity or another force can be one of the most effective ways to fight the debilitating(衰弱的) muscle loss caused by aging....

  • 食用坚果可改善血液胆固醇状况

    10-05-11 Consuming more nuts appears to be associated with improvements in blood cholesterol(胆固醇) levels, according to a pooled analysis of data from 25 trials reported in the May 10 issue of Archives(档案,案卷) of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/...

  • 古猛犸象血液被成功复活

    10-05-04 A team of international researchers has brought the primary component(主要成分) of mammoth(猛犸象) blood back to life using ancient DNA preserved in bones from Siberian specimens(样本) 25,000 to 43,000 years old. Studies of recreated mammoth h...

  • 免疫细胞疗法或对头颈部癌症治疗有奇效

    10-04-27 Levels of a key type of immune cell are higher in head and neck cancer patients whose tumors are linked to the human papillomavirus(乳头瘤病毒) , or HPV, according to researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. The findi...

  • 心脏搭桥手术的实施伴随有中风危险

    10-04-23 The standard practice of cooling and then rewarming a patient to prevent organ damage during cardiac(心脏的) bypass surgery(心脏搭桥手术) may impair the body's mechanism that controls blood flow to the brain, potentially increasing the patient's...

  • 对血脑屏障进行治疗可延缓老年痴呆症

    10-04-13 Researchers may be one step closer to slowing the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease. An animal study supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health, shows that by ta...

  • 研究:新生长因子促使干细胞生长、再生

    10-03-22 Scientists at Duke University Medical Center have identified a new growth factor that stimulates(刺激,鼓励) the expansion and regeneration of hematopoietic(生血的,造血的) (blood-forming) stem cells in culture and in laboratory animals. The dis...

  • 阻止蚊子传播疾病的新方法:使它们“憋尿”

    10-03-04 Cornell researchers have found a protein that may lead to a new way to control mosquitoes that spread dengue fever(登革热) , yellow fever(黄热病) and other diseases when they feed on humans: Prevent them from urinating(小便,撒尿) as they feed...

  • 分子细胞可作为心血管疾病的预警器

    10-02-20 Tiny bits of molecular(分子的) trash found in circulating blood appear to be good predictors(预报器,预言者) of cardiovascular disease(心血管疾病) and untimely death, say researchers at Duke University Medical Center. The discovery, published...

  • 有认知缺陷的老年人的高血压可能是痴呆的前兆

    10-02-09 High blood pressure appears to predict the progression to dementia(痴呆) in older adults with impaired(受损的) executive functions (ability to organize thoughts and make decisions) but not in those with memory dysfunction(功能紊乱,机能障碍) ,...