• 新式血液检测卡可迅速检测疾病感染

    11-08-02 A cheap and portable blood test could provide a breakthrough for diagnosing infections in remote areas of the world, a scientific study says. 一项科学研究显示,一种廉价、便携的血液检测设备使世界上偏远地区的人们诊断感染的方法获得重大突破。 The mChip...

  • 日本复兴大臣辞职归咎于“血型”

    11-07-10 Forced to quit after barely a week as Japan's reconstruction minister for remarks deemed offensive to victims of the March earthquake and tsunami, Ryu Matsumoto had an unusual explanation for his behavior -- his blood type. 由于失言冒犯日本三月地震...

  • 老年痴呆症研究取得进展

    11-07-10 Advances in research into Alzheimer's disease: transporter proteins at the blood CSF barrier and vitamin D may help prevent amyloid(淀粉体) build up in the brain Advancing age is a major risk factor for Alzheimer's disease and is associated with b...

  • 孕妇盐摄入量影响胎儿肾发育

    11-07-07 A new animal study from Europe has drawn an association between pregnant mothers' sodium(钠) intake and their newborn's kidney development. Among the most significant aspects of the study's findings is that either too much or too little salt durin...

  • 艾滋病毒扰乱血脑屏障

    11-06-29 HIV weakens the blood-brain barrier a network of blood vessels that keeps potentially harmful chemicals and toxins out of the brain by overtaking a small group of supporting brain cells, according to a new study in the June 29 issue of The Journal o...

  • 利用磁场稀释血液

    11-06-08 If a person's blood becomes too thick it can damage blood vessels and increase the risk of heart attacks. But a Temple University physicist has discovered that he can thin the human blood by subjecting it to a magnetic field. Rongjia Tao, professor...

  • 清除脑组织内血栓有新方法

    11-05-29 A new treatment that treats a subset of stroke patients by combining minimally invasive surgery, an imaging technique likened to GPS for the brain, and the clot-busting drug t-PA appears to be safe and effective, according to a multicenter clinical...

  • 二手烟会使男孩血压升高

    11-05-02 Exposure to secondhand smoke, even at extremely low levels, is associated with increased blood pressure in boys, according to new research being presented Sunday, May 1, at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in Denver. Children wi...

  • 验血可预测黑素瘤转移

    11-04-17 Scientists at Yale University have identified a set of plasma(血浆) biomarkers that could reasonably predict the risk of metastasis(转移,新陈代谢) among patients with melanoma(黑素瘤) , according to findings published in Clinical Cancer Resea...

  • 维生素D含量关系到血管健康

    11-04-04 A lack of vitamin D, even in generally healthy people, is linked with stiffer arteries and an inability of blood vessels to relax, research from the Emory/Georgia Tech Predictive Health Institute has found. The results add to evidence that lack of v...