• bomb cyclone 炸弹气旋

    22-10-08 当埃莉诺(Eleanor)飓风袭击欧洲西部之时,一场强大的冬季暴风雪在已然冰冷的美国东海岸登陆,很多人提及这场暴风雪时也用到了同样强大的术语:炸弹气旋(bomb cyclone)。炸弹气旋是一种气象炸弹,会带来强风、冬季降水和沿海洪水,就像冬季飓风一样。 在这一气象过...

  • real bomb 在公众场所或舞台上表演失败或表现欠佳

    22-06-22 Real bomb Bomb在口语里是指在公众场所或舞台上表演失败或表现欠佳,通常与real一起使用。 例如:The show was a real bomb, so I cut out early. 这个剧很糟糕,所以我提前退场了。(cut out = leave) 值得注意的是:real bomb有時也指真正的炸弹。 例如: The police...

  • 鲸鲨:原子能试验解开世界上最大鱼类的年龄之谜

    20-11-21 冷战期间进行的原子弹试验数据帮助科学家们准确地测定了世界上最大鱼类的年龄。鲸鲨是体型庞大、行动速度缓慢、性情温和的生物,主要栖息在热带水域中。 Stretching up to 60 feet in length and weighing around 20 tonnes, the slow-moving whale shark is very popu...

  • 伦敦市机场因二战哑弹关闭

    18-02-13 London City Airport closed on Monday after a 500-kilogramme World War II-era bomb was found at a neigbouring dock. 伦敦市机场周一关闭,因附近的码头上发现一颗二战时期重500公斤的哑弹。 Police said the bomb was discovered on Sunday at the George V Dock...

  • 泰国某商场发生两起爆炸案 58人受伤

    17-05-10 Two bomb blasts at a downtown shopping mall in southernmost Thailand injured 58 people on Tuesday, police said. 泰国南部市区一座大商场周二发生两起爆炸案,58人受伤。 All of the injured were being treated at a local hospital while two, among the 58, s...

  • 美军在阿富汗投下最大一颗非核炸弹

    17-04-14 The U.S. military has dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan on an Islamic State target, the Pentagon said Thursday. 五角大楼周四透露,美军已向阿富汗伊斯兰国某目标区域投下一颗最大的非核炸弹。 U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday gave...