• 雅加达开庭审理宾馆爆炸案

    10-02-10 The trial has begun of a man who is alleged to have assisted in the twin suicide hotel bomb attacks in Jakarta on 17 July 2009. 庭审由对一名男子的审理开始,该男子涉嫌协助发动2009年7月17日发生的两起宾馆炸弹袭击。 The hotels are in Jakarta's central b...

  • 美国圣诞节飞机爆炸嫌疑人与当局“合作”

    10-02-03 The Nigerian man suspected of trying to blow up a US plane on Christmas Day is now cooperating and providing useful information, US officials say. 美国官员称,试图在圣诞节当日炸毁一架美国客机的尼日利亚男子目前正与美国当局合作并提供有用的信息。 Abdul...

  • 德国海盗党“裸聚”抗议“裸检”

    10-01-16 2009年圣诞节阿姆斯特丹飞往美国底特律的飞机爆炸未遂事件使得越来越多的机场开始启用全身扫描安检系统,也就是我们所说的裸检。此举引起了很多隐私维权人士的抗议。上周日,德国海盗党的成员们穿着内衣齐聚在柏林特格尔机场,抗议机场裸检政策。抗议者们在自己的身体...

  • 美国加强航空安全检查

    10-01-15 The US is taking additional air security measures in the wake of last month's airliner bomb plot, a senior official has said. 美国一位高级官员称,针对上个月的飞机爆炸阴谋,美国正在采取附加航空安全措施。 Airport security has already been stepped up H...

  • 奥巴马就飞机爆炸案批评情报机关

    10-01-08 US President Barack Obama has ordered a strengthening of the US terrorist watch lists, saying the US system failed over the attempted Detroit plane attack. 美国总统奥巴马下令增强对美国恐怖分子名单的监测,批评美国的情报机关没有能够有效阻止底特律飞机...

  • 美国起诉尼日利亚籍飞机爆炸案嫌疑犯

    10-01-07 A US grand jury has indicted Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on six counts over an alleged plot to bomb a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day. 一个美国大陪审团控告尼日利亚人乌马霍鲁阿卜杜勒六项罪名,他曾密谋在圣诞节当日炸毁飞往底特律一架班机。 Um...

  • 美国飞机炸弹嫌疑犯进入英国监视名单

    09-12-29 A man charged with trying to blow up a transatlantic plane had been on a UK watch-list, the government has said. 一名试图爆炸一架美国飞机的男子已经进入英国严密监视名单。 Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was refused a visa Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, was...

  • 卡拉奇什叶派穆斯林游行遭炸弹袭击

    09-12-29 At least 30 people have been killed and dozens injured in a suicide bombing on a Shia Muslim march in the Pakistani city of Karachi, officials say. 巴基斯坦城市卡拉奇发生自杀式炸弹袭击什叶派穆斯林事件,至少30人丧生、数十人受伤。 The attacker had bee...

  • 奥巴马承诺将对飞机炸弹密谋者追捕到底

    09-12-29 President Barack Obama has pledged his administration will not rest until all those behind an alleged plot to bomb a US plane are brought to justice. 奥巴马总统承诺,在他执政期间,不会停止对密谋轰炸美国飞机的犯罪分子的追捕行动。 This image from an e...

  • 致命爆炸震撼巴基斯坦城市白沙瓦

    09-12-25 A suicide bomb attack has killed at least four people and injured a dozen more in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, officials say. 巴基斯坦西北部城市白沙瓦发生一起自杀式炸弹袭击,至少4人死亡、12人受伤。 Correspondents say CCTV footage sh...