• 请事假

    22-03-11 经典表达: I have some personal business that I need to take care of. 我有点私事要处理。 举一反三: I got some family issues that I need to take a day off. 我有些家庭问题要解决,需要请一天假。 I have a doctors appointment. 我预约了医生。 I have to g...

  • 什么是“路怒症”?

    22-02-22 开车有时会让人紧张,尤其是遇到蛮不讲理、不守规则的司机时,可能会让人情绪失控,甚至大发雷霆。强行超车、跟车过近、言语粗鲁你遇到过鲁莽的驾驶行为吗?造成司机之间大动肝火的主要原因有哪些? We all know driving can be stressful. One minute youre minding y...

  • everything goes smoothly 一帆风顺

    22-01-29 一帆风顺,汉语成语,字面意思是船升满帆,顺风航行。比喻做事非常顺利,没有阻碍。可以翻译为everything goes smoothly,everything runs on wheels等。 例句: 祝你一帆风顺。 Wish you every success. 他的生意做得一帆风顺。 His business is going right along....

  • monkey business 胡闹

    21-12-28 当某人参与 monkey business 的时候,这就是说这个人在胡闹。这个短语也能用来表达那些不诚实或违规的行为。 例句 Two policemen showed up at my neighbours doorstep this morning. Ive always suspected theres been some monkey business going on in the house. S...

  • 无人超市:未来购物主流?

    21-12-20 Its cold, its gloomy, and if you run out of milk, its a fifteen-minute drive to the supermarket. But this wooden container offers a lifeline. You use an app to open the doors. Your phone scans whatever you need. And the bills charged to your bank ca...

  • gossip about 说三道四

    21-12-13 说三道四,汉语成语,意思是不负责任地胡乱议论。可以翻译为gossip about,make irresponsible comments/remarks等。 例句: 这不关你的事儿,你无权在这儿说三道四。 Its none of your business; what are you gossiping about here? 在这个问题上,我们不欢迎这个组...

  • take the field 运动员登场,上场

    21-12-09 Take the field 用来描述在体育比赛中,运动员登场,准备开始比赛时的场景。 例句 Hurry up, the player are about to take the field. The spectators gave the England squad a big cheer as they took the field. The team was about to take the field when the ha...

  • 外交部就美方试图干扰北京冬奥会发表回应

    21-12-08 针对美方以所谓新疆实施种族灭绝等侵犯人权行为为由,不派任何外交或官方代表出席2022年北京冬奥会一事,外交部发言人赵立坚12月7日说, 美方炮制所谓新疆存在种族灭绝的世纪谎言,早已被事实戳穿。美方出于意识形态偏见、基于谎言谣言,试图干扰北京冬奥会,这只会让...

  • under someone's thumb 受人控制

    21-12-06 当我们说一个人under someones thumb 在某人的大拇指之下时,实际含义是形容一个人被另一个人控制了,听从另一个人的指挥。 例句 Dont worry about him. Hes under my thumb and will do whatever I tell him. Some people worry that politicians are under the thumb...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 23

    21-11-29 An hour passed away before the general came in, spent, on the part of his young guest, in no very favourable consideration of his character. This lengthened absence, these solitary rambles, did not speak a mind at ease, or a conscience void of repro...