• 上海将继续向世界开放市场以促进发展

    22-08-15 作为我国对外开放的重大展会平台,第五届中国国际进口博览会正在积极筹备,将于下半年在上海举办。在中共上海市委举行的中国这十年主题新闻发布会上,上海市委副书记、市长龚正介绍,2018 年以来,进博会已经连续成功举办四届,充分彰显了我国主动向世界开放市场的决心...

  • 英式惊叹词

    22-08-04 BLOODY HELL! One of the most common and versatile of British exclamation, Bloody hell is what welinguistics call a minced oath, as the word bloody is probably a shortening of By Our Lady (i.e. the Virgin Mary). Originally, then, this probably meant...

  • 吵架必备神句-华妃娘娘篇

    22-08-02 Leave me alone. 走开别烦我! Take a hike!一边玩蛋去! You piss me off. 气死爹了。 Its none of your business. 不关你的事! Mind your own business!先管好你自己的事吧! How dare you!你好大的胆子! You stupid jerk!你这蛇精病! You chicken! 你这胆小...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 70

    22-07-22 Philip expected to find a letter from Norah when he got back to his rooms, but there was nothing; nor did he receive one the following morning. The silence irritated and at the same time alarmed him. They had seen one another every day he had been i...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 60

    22-07-21 They dined in Soho. Philip was tremulous with joy. It was not one of the more crowded of those cheap restaurants where the respectable and needy dine in the belief that it is bohemian and the assurance that it is economical. It was a humble establis...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 44

    22-07-21 But notwithstanding when Miss Price on the following Sunday offered to take him to the Louvre Philip accepted. She showed him Mona Lisa. He looked at it with a slight feeling of disappointment, but he had read till he knew by heart the jewelled word...

  • out of the woods 脱离危险

    22-07-04 Out of the woods 走出树林 含义: 脱离危险;摆脱困境。 例句: My business was losing money for several months. I thought about closing the business. Fortunately, the economy is better, and my business is doing well now. Im out of the woods. 我的生意好...

  • 无可奉告

    22-06-28 A little bird told me. 消息灵通人士告诉我的。 We have our ways. 我自有办法。 Word travels fast. 八卦传得可快了。 Bad news travels fast. 坏事传千里。 None of your business. 这你就别管了。...

  • balance the books 结算、结账

    22-06-28 Balance the books: to add up all the credits and debits of an account 结算、结账 例: Thomas is in charge of balancing the books at the end of each quarter for the business. 托马斯负责公司每季度末的帐目清算。...

  • 习近平主席2018年菲律宾之行

    22-06-20 Filipino entrepreneur Wilson Lee Flores can still recall the first time he saw President Xi Jinping in person. It was in November 2018 at a dinner in Manila held in honor of the first Chinese leader to visit the Philippines in 13 years. 菲律宾企业家...