• 好奇号发回首张全景彩色照片

    12-08-10 Nasa's new Mars rover has returned its first 360-degree colour panorama from the surface of the Red Planet. 美宇航局新着陆的火星探测车发回了红色星球的首张360度全景彩色照片。 The Curiosity robot used its wideangle science camera placed high up on a m...

  • 中国东北发现远东豹踪迹

    12-04-26 The first-known camera trap photos of an Amur leopard in China have recently been taken by protected area staff in Hunchun Amur Tiger National Nature Reserve in Jilin Province according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. Coupled with Jilin Provin...

  • 柯达申请破产保护

    12-01-19 Eastman Kodak, the company that invented the hand-held camera, has filed for bankruptcy protection with a US court. 伊士曼柯达发明手持式相机的公司向美国一家法院申请破产保护。 Despite efforts to refocus the business, Kodak has failed to stem declinin...

  • 奥林巴斯总部遭突击搜查

    11-12-21 Japanese prosecutors have raided the headquarters of camera and medical equipment maker Olympus. 日本检察官突击搜查了相机、医疗器械生产商奥林巴斯的总部。 Japanese prosecutors have been looking for evidence in the earnings probe against Olympus Olymp...

  • 半数女性对自己的外貌过于挑剔

    11-07-25 She may smile for the camera, but it will turn to a frown the moment you show her the picture you've taken. 对着相机,她可能还面带微笑;不过把刚照的照片拿给她看,她大概就会紧皱眉头了。 Half of women are so critical of their appearance that they 'hat...

  • 阿富汗境内发现雪豹踪迹

    11-07-14 The Wildlife Conservation Society has discovered a surprisingly healthy population of rare snow leopards living in the mountainous reaches of northeastern Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor, according to a new study. The discovery gives hope to the world...

  • 曲线相机研制成功

    11-01-18 Researchers from Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign are the first to develop a curvilinear(曲线的) camera, much like the human eye, with the significant feature of a zoom capability, unlike the human eye. Th...

  • 美教授将在后脑勺中植入“第三只眼”

    10-11-27 美国纽约大学摄影系伊拉克裔教授瓦法比拉尔将通过手术在自己的后脑勺中植入一个拇指大小的摄像头,每隔一分钟拍摄一张照片。 A New York University arts professor might not have eyes on the back of his head, but he's coming pretty close. Wafaa Bilal, a visua...

  • Camera

    10-11-18 On our way to a wedding in Vermont, my husband and I realized we had forgotten our camera. We stopped at a general store and, hoping to purchase a cheap, disposable(用后可弃的) model. Sal asked the owner, Do you have any of those throwaway cameras...

  • 哈勃望远镜揭开未曾呈现的宇宙画面

    09-12-09 In 2004, Hubble created the Hubble Ultra Deep Field哈勃超深场 (HUDF), the deepest visible-light image of the Universe, and now, with its brand-new camera, Hubble is seeing even farther. This image was taken in the same region as the visible HUDF, bu...