• 罗马尼亚穷少年模仿富二代晒“炫穷照”

    15-03-10 Genuine snaps of super-rich youngsters posing with luxury items are paired with staged pics of people with more mundane things - and they've helped boost trade. 土豪少年真实炫富照与穷逼少年戏仿照对比展示,帮助肯德基增长营业额。 KFC has seen its alre...

  • 英国某组织鼓励孩子参加户外活动

    13-11-03 A campaign is being launched to encourage children to surrender 30 minutes of screen time a day to head for the great outdoors. 英国正在发起一个活动,鼓励孩子们每天用半个小时的上网时间去参加户外活动。 The newly formed Wild Network a collaboration of...

  • shampaign 虚假宣传

    13-10-18 Shampaign is a fake, insincere, or misleading campaign, particularly for political office or commercial gain. Shampaign指虚假的、不诚恳的,或者有误导性质的宣传活动,尤其是以政界职位或商业利益为目的的宣传活动,我们可称之为虚假宣传。 The word shampaig...

  • 罗姆尼竞选资金超奥巴马1700万

    12-06-08 US Republican candidate Mitt Romney raised almost $17m more than President Barack Obama's re-election effort in May, figures show. 统计数据显示,美国共和党候选人米特罗姆尼五月份所筹得的竞选资金比总统奥巴马多1700万美元。 Mr Romney and the Republicans...

  • 里克·桑托伦退出美国总统选举

    12-04-11 Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has ended his bid for the White House, leaving Mitt Romney as the presumptive nominee. 美国共和党总统候选人里克桑托伦退出总统选举,使米特罗姆尼成为预定候选人。 The former Pennsylvania senator made the...

  • 波黑国家队被国际足联禁赛

    11-04-03 Bosnia-Hercegovina have been suspended from world football after refusing to comply with governing body Fifa's regulations. 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那因为拒绝服从国际足联的法规而被其禁赛。 Bosnia beat Romania 2-1 in their Euro 2012 qualifying campaign last...

  • 米歇尔动员全美国解决儿童肥胖问题

    10-02-10 US First Lady Michelle Obama has launched a nationwide campaign to tackle child obesity. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马发起一项全国性的对付儿童肥胖的运动。 One in three children in the US is overweight or obese(肥胖的,过胖的) and Mrs Obama says the iss...

  • 英国政府建议年轻人注意性安全

    09-11-30 The government has launched a campaign to encourage young people to talk more openly about sex and contraception. 英国政府发起一项活动,鼓励年轻人更加公开地谈论性和避孕。 The teenage pregnancy rate in the UK is Europe's highest and ministers want to...

  • Japan election campaign begins 日本选举活动开始

    09-08-19 Campaigning has formally begun in Japan ahead of a general election that could see a rare change of power. 普选之前的竞选活动已经在日本展开,届时将会看到政权力量的罕见变化。 Taro Aso's party has governed for most of the past half century The Liberal...

  • Browne settles over McCain song 麦凯恩因歌曲侵权向Browne致歉

    09-07-22 Singer Jackson Browne has received an apology from former presidential candidate John McCain for using one of his songs during last year's campaign. 歌手Jackson Browne收到前总统候选人John McCain的道歉,John McCain在去年的竞选活动中使用了Jackson的一...