• 心理压力会导致乳腺癌细胞转移

    11-09-20 Psychosocial stress could play a role in the etiology(病因学) of breast cancer aggressiveness, particularly among minority populations, according to study results presented at the Fourth AACR Conference on The Science of Cancer Health Disparities,...

  • 钙摄入过多易诱发前列腺癌

    11-09-19 A study by epidemiologists at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and colleagues suggests that a high intake of calcium(钙 ) causes prostate cancer among African-American men who are genetically good absorbers of the mineral. High dietary intake of...

  • 莫克细胞癌的发病机理

    11-09-16 Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute have begun to uncover how the virus that causes most Merkel cell carcinoma(癌) -- a rare and aggressive skin cancer -- operates, meaning that a rational chemotherapeutic target for this c...

  • 早期检测是对付卵巢癌的关键

    11-09-16 Ovarian cancer is a rare but often deadly disease that can strike at any time in a woman's life. It affects one in 70 women and in the past was referred to as a silent killer, but researchers have found there are symptoms associated with ovarian can...

  • 研究人员发明卵巢癌诊断新仪器

    11-09-14 By combining three previously unrelated imaging tools into one new device, a team of researchers from the University of Connecticut and the University of Southern California has proposed a new way to diagnose early-stage ovarian(卵巢的) cancer in...

  • 维基泄密:津巴布韦总统患有癌症

    11-09-06 Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has prostate cancer which has spread to other organs, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable. 一条泄露的美国外交电讯显示,津巴布韦总统罗伯特穆加比患有前列腺癌,并且癌细胞已扩散至其它器官。 President Robert Mugab...

  • 土壤中发现可杀灭癌细胞的细菌

    11-09-06 A bacterial strain that specifically targets tumours could soon be used as a vehicle to deliver drugs in frontline cancer therapy. The strain is expected to be tested in cancer patients in 2013 says a scientist at the Society for General Microbiolog...

  • 癌细胞也需要“蜕皮”

    11-09-04 Like snakes, tumour cells shed their skin. Cancer is not a static(静态的) disease but during its development the disease accumulates changes to evade natural defences adapting to new environmental circumstances, protecting against chemotherapy and...

  • 饮食中含有胡桃 乳腺癌患病几率下降

    11-09-02 The risk of breast cancer dropped significantly in mice when their regular diet included a modest amount of walnut(胡桃) , Marshall University researchers report in the journal Nutrition and Cancer. The study, led by Elaine Hardman, Ph.D., of Mars...

  • 抗癌症病毒有望研制成功

    11-09-01 An engineered virus, injected into the blood, can selectively target cancer cells throughout the body. 一种改造病毒在被注入血液之后,能有选择地攻击全身的癌细胞。 The virus attacked only tumours, leaving the healthy tissue alone, in a small trial on...