• 烟瘾大的美国人数量在减少

    11-03-16 From 1965 to 2007, the population prevalence of persons who smoked 20 or more cigarettes per day declined significantly, and there was also a decrease in the prevalence of smoking 10 or more cigarettes a day, with these declines greater in Californi...

  • 运动能降低肠癌息肉病变危险

    11-03-04 People who lead an active lifestyle are up to a third less likely to develop polyps which can develop into bowel cancer, according to a study. 一项研究显示,具有积极生活态度的人的身体有1/3的机会不会产生息肉,息肉可进一步发展至肠癌。 Regular exercise...

  • 被动吸烟增加患乳腺癌危险

    11-03-04 Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke as a child or adult appears to increase a woman's risk of breast cancer, experts say. 专家表示,暴露于二手烟环境中的儿童或成人患乳腺癌的风险加大。 Their study of nearly 80,000 women found breast cancer risk was...

  • 更年期吸烟将加重乳腺癌风险

    11-03-02 Postmenopausal women who smoke or used to smoke have up to a 16% higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who have never smoked, finds research published on bmj.com today. The study also says that women who have had extensive exposu...

  • 乳腺癌转移主要元凶被发现

    11-02-17 When doctors discover high concentrations of regulatory T cells in the tumors of breast cancer patients, the prognosis is often grim(冷酷的,糟糕的) , though why exactly has long been unclear. Now new research at the University of California, San...

  • 美国雪佛龙遭厄瓜多尔处罚

    11-02-15 A court in Ecuador has fined US oil giant Chevron a $8.6bn (5.3bn) for polluting a large part of the country's Amazon region. 厄瓜多尔一家法庭处罚美国石油巨头雪佛龙86亿美元,因其污染了该国亚马逊河流域一大片土地。 The oil firm Texaco, which merged wi...

  • 红酒与雷帕霉素混合具有抗肿瘤效果

    11-02-15 Researchers from Cleveland Clinic's Lerner Research Institute have discovered that resveratrol(白藜芦醇) a compound found in red wine when combined with rapamycin(雷帕霉素) can have a tumor-suppressing effect on breast cancer cells that are resi...

  • LED灯含有有毒金属

    11-02-11 Those light-emitting diodes marketed as safe, environmentally preferable alternatives to traditional lightbulbs actually contain lead, arsenic(砷,砒霜) and a dozen other potentially hazardous substances, according to newly published research. LED...

  • 睡眠不足可能引发结肠癌

    11-02-09 An inadequate(不充分的) amount of sleep has been associated with higher risks of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and death. Now colon cancer can be added to the list. In a ground-breaking new study published in the Feb. 15, 2011 issue of the jou...

  • 某抗生素抗癌效果显著

    11-01-30 An antibiotic known for its immunosuppressive(抑制免疫力的) functions could also point the way to the development of new anti-cancer agents, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine have reported. The study determined that the comp...