• 中国比利时开通一条新列车货运线路

    18-10-25 Belgium and China Wednesday launched a new cargo train route linking the Belgian city of Liege to Zhengzhou, the capital city of Chinas Henan province. 本周三,中国与比利时开通一条新列车货运线路,连接比利时列日与河南郑州。 The first cargo train, loa...

  • 中国巴基斯坦开通新货运路线

    18-10-24 A new rail and road cargo service was launched Tuesday, linking Lanzhou, capital of northwest Chinas Gansu Province, with Islamabad in Pakistan. 本周二,一条连接中国甘肃兰州与巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡的公路铁路货运服务开通。 The first train carrying 30 carri...

  • 中国天恩号货船将穿越北极驶向欧洲

    18-08-06 Chinas cargo ship Tianen departed the port of Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province on Saturday, starting its journey through the Arctic to Europe, reports CCTV.com. 中国天恩号货船周六从江苏连云港出发,开始穿越北极到达欧洲之旅。 As Chinas first cargo ship...

  • SpaceX“二手”太空货船重返国际空间站

    17-12-18 A used cargo spacecraft from private U.S. company SpaceX returned to the International Space Station on Sunday, more than two years after its first visit to the orbiting laboratory. 美国私企SpaceX的一艘再利用的太空货船周日重返国际空间站,两年多前它...

  • SpaceX运送中国实验材料进太空

    17-06-04 U.S. space firm SpaceX on Saturday launched supplies to the International Space Station, including an experiment from a Chinese university that will test the effects of space environments on DNA. 美国太空探索技术公司周六向国际空间站运送补给物资,其...

  • 2016阿拉山口港通行货列数量创新高

    17-06-01 The inland port of Alashankou in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region saw a record number of cargo trains in 2016. 2016年新疆阿拉山口内陆港过往的货物列车创历史新高。 The number of outbound China-Europe and China-Asia cargo trains crossi...

  • 中国将简化货物清关手续

    17-05-25 China has vowed efforts to streamline cargo clearance procedures to smooth foreign trade and improve the business environment. 中国承诺将全力简化货物清关手续以促进对外贸易提高商务环境。 The single-window system, a trade facilitation policy that enab...

  • 中国首枚货运飞船发射升空

    17-04-21 China has taken another step toward its goal of putting a space station into orbit around 2022, by sending its first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1 into space on Thursday evening. 本周四晚,中国向太空发射首枚货运飞船天舟1号,距离2022年将空间站送入太空...

  • 新西兰搁浅货船船长被起诉

    11-10-12 The captain of a cargo ship that has grounded off New Zealand and is leaking oil into the sea has been arrested and charged, officials say. 一艘货船在新西兰海域搁浅并向海中泄露大量石油,该船船长已被逮捕并遭到起诉。 It is not clear how the Rena ran i...

  • Russia finds missing cargo ship 俄罗斯寻回丢失的货船

    09-08-18 Russia says it has found a missing cargo vessel near the Cape Verde islands and retrieved its Russian crew. 俄罗斯称已经在佛得角群岛附近找到丢失的载货船并寻回船员。 The Arctic Sea went missing in mysterious circumstances last month Defence Minister...