• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 52

    22-07-21 Next day Philip arrived at Blackstable. Since the death of his mother he had never lost anyone closely connected with him; his aunts death shocked him and filled him also with a curious fear; he felt for the first time his own mortality. He could no...

  • meet by chance 萍水相逢

    22-05-18 萍水相逢,汉语成语,原义是浮萍因水而四处流荡,聚散不定;比喻人本素不相识,因机缘巧合偶然相逢。可以翻译为meet by chance,a chance acquaintance等。 例句: 我们萍水相逢,却很谈得来。 Although we have met by chance, we do have a lot in common....

  • be bent on doing something 处心积虑

    22-04-18 处心积虑,汉语成语,形容蓄谋已久,千方百计的算计。可以翻译为be bent on doing something或nurture schemes for a chance等。 例句: 这件事是处心积虑、早有预谋的。 It was both deliberate and malicious. 处心积虑想搞垮对手 Intrigue against ones rival...

  • 犹豫不决

    22-03-22 1. Im not sure what I want to do. 我不确定我想做什么。 类似的表达还有: I dont think I know what I want. 我觉得我不知道我想要什么。 Im really unsure about what I want to do. 我真的不确定我想做什么。 Im feeling really indecisive. 我真觉得没法决定。...

  • chance of a lifetime 千载难逢

    21-06-06 千载难逢,意思是一千年里也难碰到一次(occurring only once in a thousand years)。通常形容机会极其难得,非常罕见。千载难逢的机会可以翻译为chance of a lifetime,表示An extremely important and/or fortuitous opportunity, especially one that is not likel...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 47

    21-05-07 It had been a miserable party, each of the three believing themselves most miserable. Mrs. Norris, however, as most attached to Maria, was really the greatest sufferer. Maria was her first favourite, the dearest of all; the match had been her own co...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 16

    21-05-06 It was not in Miss Crawfords power to talk Fanny into any real forgetfulness of what had passed. When the evening was over, she went to bed full of it, her nerves still agitated by the shock of such an attack from her cousin Tom, so public and so pe...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 39

    21-03-18 This little explanation with Mr. Knightley gave Emma considerable pleasure. It was one of the agreeable recollections of the ball, which she walked about the lawn the next morning to enjoy.--She was extremely glad that they had come to so good an un...

  • 你是赢家吗?

    21-03-10 Im sometimes told you have to make your own luck. If you dont try something, how can you succeed? This is very true for competitions - if you want a chance of winning something you have to take part. In other words, you have to be in it to win it! T...

  • 赵婷凭借《无依之地》斩获金球奖最佳导演奖

    21-03-03 北京时间3月1日上午,第78届金球奖揭晓。中国导演赵婷凭借《无依之地》(Nomadland)斩获金球奖最佳导演奖,她也是首位获得这一奖项的中国女导演。 据悉,这部电影将于今年4月23日在荧幕上与内地观众见面。 Beijing-born director Chloe Zhao was named top director a...