• 男女有别

    15-07-16 A man named Fu Xian was fond of reading books. Though proficient in literature and etiquette, he was stubbornly adherent to outworn rules. Being impractical and dull, he looked just like an old pedant. One day, Fu Xian strolled on the street with me...

  • child trafficking 贩卖儿童

    15-06-29 The advocacy began to circulate online roughly after a CCTV report revealed of the 37 suspects of a child trafficking gang in Henan Province, only the prime suspect received a death sentence in the first trial, while the others were given up to 15 y...

  • parent and child program 亲子节目

    15-06-29 A Xinhua article points out that the parent and child programs , such as Dad! Where Are We Going? and Dad is Back posed a negative influence on parents, who intend to seek quick success and instant benefits. 新华社发文指出,类似《爸爸去哪儿》、《爸...

  • child abduction alert system 防儿童走失系统

    15-06-26 China's first child abduction alert system , which will close all the exits of a building for 10 minutes to search for missing children, came into force in Nanjing, capital city of Jiangsu province, on June 1. 6月1日,全国首个防儿童走失系统在江苏南...

  • 卷福本尼迪克特喜迎第一个宝宝

    15-06-19 Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch and wife Sophie Hunter welcomed their first child in June, foreign media reported. 据外媒报道,《神探夏洛克》中的卷福本尼迪克特康伯巴奇和妻子苏菲亨特在这个六月迎来了他们的第一个宝宝。 A spokesman for the couple sai...

  • 不要用警察吓唬调皮的孩子

    15-06-13 Many an exasperated parent has told their misbehaving child to be good or the police will put them in prison. 许多父母恼怒时都曾这样警告调皮的孩子要听话,不然会被警察抓进监狱。 But now one police force has issued a poster urging adults not to use th...

  • 抱婴投江

    15-06-09 Once upon a time, a man passing by a river noticed that a grown-up man was going to throw a child he carried in his arms into the river. At this moment, the child was frightened, crying loudly and shouting in confusion. The passer-by asked: Why are...

  • Midnight

    15-02-25 Midnight Niall Campbell My heart had been repeating oh heart, poor heart all evening. And all because I'd held my child, oh heart, and found that age was in my cup now; poor heart, it bare knew anything but the life of a young axman in the forest, w...

  • 瑞士公司收费2.1万镑为孩子起名字

    15-02-12 These days it seems that giving your baby some ridiculously weird name has become the norm. 现在,似乎给孩子起个稀奇古怪的名字是司空见惯了。 Names like John, James and Emma are out, and monikers inspired by celebrities and their offspring are in. Ac...

  • 英国演员卷福即将荣升当爸

    15-01-12 British actor Benedict Cumberbatch is to become a father as his partner Sophie Hunter is pregnant, it has been confirmed. 英国演员卷福本尼迪克特康伯巴奇和未婚妻苏菲亨特将迎来二人爱的结晶,卷福。 In a statement to the Guardian, the star's publicist s...